
Johnny Depp Latest to Agency-Hop as Tracey Jacobs Heads to Endeavor

STV · 04/22/08 11:15AM

Word over the Defamer transom this morning suggests yet another high-profile agency move, with UTA partner Tracey Jacobs reportedly packing her bags (and clients including Johnny Depp) for the greener pastures of Endeavor. Jacobs' departure would follow that of her colleagues Nick Stevens, Sharon Sheinwold and Lisa Hallerman earlier this month, further driving rumors of a UTA merger or sell-off as the talent division melts down.

STV · 04/10/08 12:05PM

Robert De Niro shuffled through Endeavor's busy revolving door Wednesday in the agency's third high-profile move of the week, marking the end of the Oscar-winner's long tenure at CAA. The addition comes days after Ashton Kutcher fled Endeavor for the confines of CAA, and nearly a week after the seismic defection of comedy power broker Nick Stevens and two partners from UTA. As Variety's Michael Fleming notes, De Niro "hit his payday stride" with his $18 million turn in Meet the Fockers; the move sets him up for continued forays into safe, tightly packaged middlebrow humor franchises that will secure his legacy as a shell of the standard-bearing American legend we grew up with. Bon voyage, Bob. [Variety]

Endeavor Gets Punk'd by Ashton Kutcher

Paula Dixon · 04/08/08 05:15PM

It's a story as old as Hollywood itself: An attractive actor who's done everything he can to get himself into the spotlight just can't get the roles he wants. Is it because his acting isn't quite up to par? Of course not... It's because his agent sucks!