Latest on the Ashpocalypse: Maybe You'll Get Home, Maybe You Won't
Max Read · 04/21/10 03:02AMFlights are resuming in Britain, despite the possibility of a new ash cloud.
Flights are resuming in Britain, despite the possibility of a new ash cloud.
Volcanic ash from Iceland is significantly disrupting flights in and out of the UK.
The point of Virgin Airlines/CW advertisement/"reality" show/soft-core pornography has yet to be made. Fly Girls appears to be confused as to the nature of its audience: is this directed at women, men or both?
Flying: it's not so hard, is it? Get on the plane and later, get off the plane. Still, some air passengers can't seem to avoid causing international incidents with their misbehavior. Below, a ridiculously simple guide to avoiding trouble.
Oh look, yet another advertisement is using the metaphor of multiple planes crashing as a visual representation of the seriousness of some other cause. Fiery death: That's Allstate's stand. Just, maybe, use a different metaphor? [Copyranter. Click to enlarge.]
Watch this Chinese rocket fly just a few miles away from a commercial airliner. You can tell the people were anticipating it, because cameras start clicking immediately upon its arrival. Fireworks sure are a big deal over there.
In solidarity with the suffering American people, Nancy Pelosi has graciously agreed to limit her taxpayer-financed private jet fix to four brand-new aircraft totaling $220 million, as opposed to the $500 million worth of new jets she so richly deserved.
Air France flight 447 plunged 35,000 feet into the Atlantic earlier this month, obliterating everyone aboard. Last night, a Yemenia Airways flight ditched in the Indian Ocean, killing 152. If only those planes had been equipped with air bags!
Photographer Stephen Mallon had exclusive access to the salvage operation that pulled Sully-piloted US Airways Flight 1549 out of the Hudson River. Now that he's erased all "US Airways" logos, he can show his pictures!
So this thing happened today where a large jet circled low over Manhattan, chased by a fighter jet. Turns out it was just a government photo-op, ha ha. But people were scared, and took pictures.
Well, maybe "creepy" isn't the right word. But there's something both comforting and unsettling about how calm all involved seemed to be, even as Captain Chesley Sullenberger said that the aircraft couldn't make it to an airport runway. I guess maybe there just wasn't time to panic. Though something tells me that if I'd been up there, I'd have made the time.
The Hindu Times, reporting on an India visit from Larry Page, says the Google co-founder "flew down to Madurai by a special plane." Just how special?
No wonder the Google founders tried to seal court docs in a lawsuit over their jumbo jet. The juicy stories in there outclass the argument over Sergey's mile-high king-size bed. As the Mercury News gleefully points out, these docs reveal some ludicrous discussions between Larry Page and Sergey Brin, as told by the jet's former designer.
The Google jet being custom-fitted for founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin is a monumental achievement in the size wars of Silicon Valley billionaires. Larry and Sergey's Boeing 767 outclasses all other corporate jets in length. As shown above, its impressive girth also dwarfs those of lesser moguls.