
Yes, Tila Tequila Just Called You Vapid

Ryan Tate · 01/25/10 10:17PM

Tila Tequila lit after Heidi Montag for acting Tila Tequila-ish; Stephanie Clifford got a hatey voice mail; and Sharon Waxman's internets got clogged. The Twitterati had a grumpy Monday.

A Surreal Night with Arianna Huffington

Ryan Tate · 10/20/09 06:17PM

The Huffington Post's tech reporter attended a wild Los Angeles party with Arianna and woke up without all his belongings; MySpace made a reporter feel dirty and Choire Sicha got not-quite-solicited advice on his vagina. The Twitterati were bewildered.

Balloon Boy Floats Twitterati's Wits

Ryan Tate · 10/15/09 08:00PM

A Wall Street Journal editor went nuclear on a leading content aggregator; Kim Severson developed a case of bee envy and someone said the Balloon Boy should basically die. The Twitterati were especially judgy.

Twitter Co-Founder Can't Stop Shortening Words

Ryan Tate · 07/27/09 08:38PM

The Wall Street Journal got tabloidy; the New York Times got snarky and a full-time kvetcher decided to stop complaining. The Twitterati were feeling experimental.

The Future of Newspapers, Legal Rumblings in DC

cityfile · 06/04/09 12:07PM

• The newspaper industry may look to take a cue from the music business in its elusive hunt for new sources of revenue. Because, clearly, if there's one industry to gleam some wisdom from, that's the one. [MP, WSJ]
• The Justice Department is looking into whether tech giants like Yahoo! and Google violated antitrust laws in their recruiting efforts. [WaPo]
• NBC's two-part White House special scored big ratings. Conveniently, it also squeezed in plugs for every other show on the network. [HP, Newsday]
• Laura Ling and Euna Lee went on trial in North Korea today. [WaPo]
• Silvio Berlusconi is feuding with Rupert Murdoch. And so now Michael Wolff says he really likes Berlusconi. Business as usual, clearly. [Gawker, Reuters]
• Here's something really depressing to chew on: Glenn Beck is No. 81 on Forbes's "Celebrity 100" list and made $23 million last year. [Forbes]

Facing Murdoch Menace, 'Pursuits' Valiantly Soldiers On With Gifts For Mom

Jon · 05/06/07 03:44PM

With a courage not witnessed in these parts since the Queen and Winston Churchill and Rudy Giuliani saved London during the Blitz, this weekend's Pursuits section shows the rest of the WSJ how to go on living with editorial integrity even as the barbarians near the gates. Indeed, "happily married...but not to each other" assistant managing editors Alan Murray and Laura Landro submit another hard-hitting "He Shops, She Shops" gift advice column, this time for the occasion of Mother's Day. Oh NO! Is today Mother's Day?! Nope, that's next weekend. But, no matter. One senses that pleasing Mom is mostly about thumbing a nose at abusive megalomaniac potential Stepdad — that is to say, Rupert Murdoch.