Spam King probably not arrested
ndouglas · 05/01/06 01:14PMIs the Spam King on the loose?
ndouglas · 05/01/06 10:47AMDOJ goes nuts when hackers ruin its "squeeze the Spam King" plan
ndouglas · 04/28/06 07:29PM
It's not in the papers yet — damn those lead times — but a media frenzy is frothing around the fresh meat of the Spam King's arrest. (The backstory: Alan Ralsky, pictured, is in the DOJ's hands, and they're grilling him for info on other hackers and spammers in a plea-bargain session.) Ralsky's quickly becoming a useless pressure point for the DOJ as reporters blow up the story, alerting everyone in the spam and hacking world and sending them scuttling out of sight. Major media contact for the hacker community, MemeHacker, sends this chat log from a conversation with another hacker: