
NY Press editor's letter

Gawker · 02/28/03 01:36PM

Jeff Koyen, the NY Press' new editor (imported from Prague) clearly wants to make sure his first editor's letter is memorable. An excerpt: "I never did fuck that 17-year-old woman. I'd call her a girl—"that 17-year-old-girl"—but in the Czech Republic, the age of consent is 15...I think of the Australian who said to me, 'just relax,' as she worked her index finger into my ass... The pinkie was fine, I told her... Being an ambitious type, she wanted to upgrade to a larger finger...And so I borrow from her as I address the readers of this, the third issue that bears my name and that of Alexander Zaitchik, my former co-editor at the Prague Pill: Just relax. And trust me."
NY Press [via Lockhart Steele]