Just When You Thought the Qaddafis Couldn't Get Any Worse
Jeff Neumann · 08/29/11 03:22AM
Coverage of the war in Libya has exposed an incredible amount of atrocities — by both Qaddafi loyalists and rebels. And the video report below, by CNN's Dan Rivers, is yet another awful addition to the formers' crimes. Rivers visited a vacation home that belonged to Muammar's youngest son, Hannibal, and his wife Aline Skaff, a Lebanese former model. There he found a woman who was essentially a slave to Hannibal and Aline, and was repeatedly tortured. Hannibal — whose party crew recently included Beyoncé and Usher — has a long history of beating servants and general scumbaggery. So while it's not surprising that he and his wife would abuse this woman, what Aline did to her is horrifying.