
Murder Suspects "Couldn't Get Off" While Fucking on Victims' Bodies

Andy Cush · 09/26/14 08:46AM

We've all been there: You're trying to have a romantic time with that special someone of yours, but something isn't right. The phone keeps ringing, or it takes too long to find a condom, or you're having sex on top of dead bodies and it's like, hey, I'm no prude but this is a little weird, right?

Accused Teen Killer Confesses to Sex on Victims' Bodies

Max Read · 02/26/13 12:34PM

Eighteen-year-old Alisa Massaro confessed to having sex with her boyfriend, 24-year-old Joshua Miner, on the bodies of two men that Joliet, Ill. police say the pair killed in January, according to the Joliet Patch (yes! The Joliet Patch!), which has obtained police reports detailing the accounts of the four suspects in the deaths of Terrance Rankins and Eric Glover, both 22. Glover and Rankins were killed on January 10, allegedly when Miner, Massaro, 19-year-old Adam Landerman, and 18-year-old Bethany McKee lured them inside a house and strangled them to death.