
Yahoo's real leadership problem: David Filo

Owen Thomas · 05/07/08 07:00PM

Everyone's piling on Jerry Yang, saying Yahoo's founder-CEO needs to go. Why? The weak stock that provoked Microsoft's unsolicited bid may have been the result of his absentee ownership over the years. But Yahoo's deeper problem is the rot in its technical prowess. And that has everything to do with the quieter cofounder, David Filo. Filo has stayed behind the scenes, but wields considerable power over Yahoo's infrastructure. Requests for more hardware go through him, for example. When Yahoo executive Jeff Weiner joked in an internal all-hands movie about not going through IT because it was "too much paperwork," the audience surely laughed because they knew exactly what he meant.

Yahoo makes even tipping Valleywag look complicated

Jackson West · 04/29/08 07:30PM

Yes, the leaked copy of Yahoo's All Hands, the Movie we received this afternoon features a scene where Trent Herren of international operations discovers client strategist Ian Kennish is a Valleywag leaker. But leave it to the folks in Sunnyvale to think we have some special, complicated web site for leaks — when really, all you have to do is send us an email. Full video, including infrastructure EVP Ash Patel cleaning the cube of incredibly messy co-founder David Filo, after the jump.