
Michelle Dean · 04/23/14 01:35PM

An account of a 1968 poets' brawl by Charles Simic at the NYRB today just goes to show that even great artists like to do a little hair-pulling from time to time: "As soon as the fight started, Allen Ginsberg went down on his knees and began chanting some Buddhist prayer for peace and harmony among all living creatures."

Allen Ginsberg Teaches You How to Give a Blowjob

Rich Juzwiak · 03/28/14 02:59PM

Vocativ has published a lengthy profile of Marcus Ewert, who bedded not one Beat, but two: Allen Ginsberg and William Burroughs. This all started in 1988 — Ewert was 17, Ginsberg (who'd later come out as a member of NAMBLA) was 62, and Burroughs was 74. Ginsberg had his way with Ewert and then passed him onto his friend Burroughs, whom Ginsberg decided could use a good lay.