
Atoosa Rubenstein: Old Photo, New Gig

Pareene · 04/09/08 02:54PM

Atoosa Rubenstein, former EIC of Seventeen, occasional over-sharer, Alpha Kitty, and self-appointed mentor to the girl nation, has a totally awesome new job! She's blogging for Barnard College! Atoosa ('93) is so excited for the 15-year reunion! Her and Ruby Gelman are running the class of '93 reunion blog, hilariously located at, and Atoosa says things like "Web 2.0 meeting place." She also posted an utterly amazing photo of herself graduating in the rain, with large hair and mother direct from central casting. [Barnard Reunion 2008 via Logged Minutes]

Atoosa Goes to the OB-GYN

Sheila · 02/22/08 03:43PM

Former Seventeen editor/current self-styled Alpha Kitty Atoosa Rubenstein holds court from her gynecologist's office, sitting on the table while discussing celebrity baby pictures with her husband. The 'Toos is preggers! The video is total blogbait, but it's also a total tease—we don't even get to see them stick the speculum in! We bring you completely SFW screengrabs to peruse while asking, what the fuck was she thinking?

Atoosa Rubenstein's Last Minute E-Shopping Nightmare Before Christmas

Emily Gould · 12/13/07 03:40PM

Alpha kitty and fancy kept woman Atoosa Rubenstein is too busy to shop for her Christmas presents in the real world: "I've got things to do, places to be, an online fashion series to launch on Friday." Cannot. Wait. In the meantime, though, we can follow Atoosa's clicking from one department store website to another via her 'Creative Consumer' column. The goal here isn't bargain-hunting, she explains: "I'd rather pay double whatever those early-morning shoppers saved to avoid the rush. Yes, it's a luxury even to make a statement like that. But this column is about just that: cyber-shopping the luxury market." Despite this stated cash-burning ethos, though, the 'Toos is not all about frivolity. "For a shopping site to get an Alpha Kitty Meow of Approval ... it really ought to have a charity (or at least a green) component."

Is Being An Alpha Kitty About "Being A Better Wife And Cook For My Husband"?

Emily Gould · 09/26/07 11:30AM

"It's going to be a salon; I hope my apartment can be a place that Alpha Kitties, men and women who are interesting in New York, will want to come by, shoot videos together, and just hang out, figure out how to do interesting things together," former Seventeen editor Atoosa Rubenstein tells the Observer of her plans for the 3,007 square foot loft she and her financier husband just snagged for the bargain price of $3.07 million. Her salon will, of course, also double as a temple to the domestic arts: "I wanted to focus on building a home again," hence that comment about cooking for her DH. All of which begs the question: what the hell is an Alpha Kitty supposed to be, anyway? She's a businessperson, but she's a housewife! She's "men and women who are interesting in New York"? Wait... wasn't she was supposed to be a teenage girl? 'Toosing and turning in confusion, we did a little research.

Choire · 06/14/07 04:16PM

You will die. This is a piece about the home decor of "alpha kitties." It is headlined "Fierce by day and all frills by night." Oh wow. [LAT]