
Scoring Sunday's Nuptials: Are We Done Yet?

Phyllis Nefler · 08/22/10 04:46PM

Phyllis Nefler has had a very long wedding season. But she's back! Join Phyllis as she soothes her bruised feet in a balm made of equal parts scorn, envy, and four-cheese artichoke dip. Let's score the Times' Wedding Section!

Scoring Sunday's Nuptials: Cosmic Energy Binds Them

Phyllis Nefler · 07/25/10 12:58PM

When a former Knicks dancer weds a SpikeTV producer you know the harmonics of the Universe are correctly tuned. Come, explore the New York Times wedding announcements with resident Gawker wedding expert Phyllis Nefler.

Scoring Sunday's Nuptials: Hair Comes the Bride, All Tressed in White

Phyllis Nefler · 07/18/10 06:51PM

Fearless Gawker wedding correspondent Phyllis Nefler is braving the heat this weekend as well as the picture-perfect pairings featured in the vaunted pages of the New York Times Weddings section. Come along, but beware: Trinity, teachers, and Maine: oh my!

Scoring Sunday's Nuptials: The Hamptons Are So Not Nice This Time of Year

Phyllis Nefler · 07/04/10 12:30PM

Phyllis Nefler, Gawker's tireless weddings correspondent, is currently on vacation in East Hampton, New York. But she took some time off from yelling at the help and burning through paperbacks to annotate this week's New York Times weddings announcements. Cheers!

Scoring Sunday's Nuptials: When Everything Somehow Goes Right

Phyllis Nefler · 06/20/10 01:35PM

Life is hard, but sometimes everything works out. Couples in today's New York Times weddings announcements have been blessed by something (God? Randomness? Aliens?) Resident Gawker weddings expert Phyllis Nefler parses their serendipitous stories.

Scoring Sunday's Nuptials: Welcome to Wedding Season

Phyllis Nefler · 05/30/10 11:53AM

Phyllis Nefler took a break from lounging by the pool issuing bon mots to the assembled C-list celebrities at her feet to score today's New York Times wedding announcements. It is Memorial Day weekend. Wedding season has begun in earnest.

Scoring Sunday's Nuptials: Love in the Age of E-Mail

Phyllis Nefler · 04/18/10 02:21PM

Technology. Love. Love. Technology. Poking. IM-ing. Can we live in this interconnected powder-keg and give off sparks? These, and other pressing nuptial quandaries faced our embedded wedded bliss reporter Phyllis Nefler as she sifted through this week's Weddings and Celebrations.

Scoring Sunday's Nuptials: April Anxiety

Phyllis Nefler · 04/04/10 08:35PM

The NCAA basketball thing continues to happen, but Gawker weddings scribe Phyllis Nefler has assembled her own single-elimination tourney: It's couple vs. couple as advanced degrees clash with cool employment in our first ever APRIL WEDDING ANXIETY. Who will win!?