Amy Winehouse Drank Herself to Death
Maureen O'Connor · 10/26/11 10:55AMThe Decision That Changed Jennifer Aniston's Life Forever
Richard Lawson · 02/03/11 03:31PM'The Informers': A Movie Cannot Survive On Amber Heard's Breasts Alone
Kyle Buchanan · 01/20/09 05:00PMSeth Abramovitch · 09/19/08 01:26PM

Cougarfornication. Well, this should go well: "David Duchovny, Demi Moore and Amber Heard will form the perfect family in 'The Joneses,' a social commentary with comedic elements." We'd suggest Ashton Kutcher will be a permanent presence on the set, but let's face it—Demi's too old for Duchovny. Which leaves Maxim Hot 100 #21 Heard most at risk. Also a possibility: Kutcher himself. He'd be the alcoholic's equivalent of chugging mouthwash—not ideal, but scratches the itch when there's no real hooch available. [THR]