
Leaked Emails Detail "Secret" Frat's Antics With Drugs, Cops, and Sex

Adam Weinstein · 04/21/14 03:58PM

They're staffers for influential congressmen and PACs. They work at top international banks and consulting firms. Also, they claim to hit women, lie to cops, chase ass, trade pills and hard drugs, and pour "so much champagne on bitches titties." These are the email confessions of a banned fraternity.

Protesters Occupy Palin Speech, Get Thrown Out As Crowd Chants 'Sarah' and 'USA'

Emma Carmichael · 02/11/12 06:12PM

Sarah Palin delivered what was essentially the cherry-on-top to CPAC this evening, just after the American Conservative Union announced that Mitt Romney had won the conference's annual straw poll. Palin turned 48 today, and the birthday girl was, by far, the conference's darling. ACU chairman Al Cardenas called her speech the "perfect, perfect ending" after the crowds had parted, and she was given more than 10 standing ovations by a capacity crowd.