
Herman Cain: 'I Am the Koch Brothers' Brother from Another Mother!'

Jim Newell · 11/04/11 02:44PM

Americans for Prosperity, the conservative group f(o)unded by that cartoonish industrial tycoon tandem known as the Koch brothers, is having a little conference in Washington this weekend called "Defending the American Dream." Herman Cain, whose campaign is essentially a wing of Americans for Prosperity, gave a big speech there today! Did he try to play down his Koch ties? Not exactly. "'I am the Koch brothers' brother from another mother!" he blared out, twice. American Dream = Defended.

Koch Bros' Group Being Completely Evil Ahead of Wisconsin Recall

Jim Newell · 08/01/11 04:22PM

Americans for Prosperity, the political action group funded by right-wing billionaires Charles and David Koch, is patriotically mailing out absentee ballot applications for the upcoming Wisconsin recall elections against Republican state senators. But guess what? The registration forms that AFP has been sending out have... the wrong ballot submission date! Good heavens, how could they miss such a "typo"?

When Tea Partiers and Liberal Activists Clash in a Public Park

Jim Newell · 07/22/11 12:23PM

The Washington Interest Group Wars produced a scuffle all the way out in Oregon last weekend, where a group of 18 liberal activists, organized by MoveOn, were meeting in a public park. Some brave Real Americans with the local chapter of Americans for Prosperity — the Koch brothers-funded Tea Party group — got wind of this meeting, heckled these "communists" away, and followed them to their new, private meeting place.