
'Allegations Of Drunken Grab-Ass Ruining My Career!' Says World's Smartest Model

jgrode · 12/14/07 12:50PM

Andre Birleanu, the angry Russian who has spent a season on VH1's America's Most Smartest Model valiantly attempting to prove that being photogenic doesn't necessarily preclude knowing stuff like the square root of nine or how to correctly use the word "preclude," is now undoing any progress made with his complaint that the higher-ups at the net are "destroying" his career. Come on, Andre, you know what photosynthesis is and you don't know that stints on third-tier reality television tend to ruin their participants? Don't they teach you that in the radioactive pro-Communism indoctrination shelter where Moscovites go to high school? We learn this stuff in eighth grade. From Page Six:

America's Most Smartest Model Also Most Rapiest

Joshua Stein · 10/26/07 09:40AM

Apparently there's a television show on VH1 called America's Most Smartest Model in which a group of models live together and strive to perform basic tasks like eating and exercising and trying not to sexually assault each other. The winner receives $100,000 and the title "America's Most Smartest Model." For one of the contestants, a Russian named Andre Birleanu, the eating and exercising were fine, but that last part he had some trouble with.