The Petraeus Affair Explained as High School Gossip: 'OMG This David and Paula Stuff Is Going to Ruin Graduation'
Mobutu Sese Seko · 11/13/12 05:45PMThis Year Was a Blast It Went So Fast!!!: The 2011-12 Election Yearbook
Mobutu Sese Seko · 11/09/12 02:35PM
A presidential campaign is like senior year. It takes forever. You mentally check out about halfway through. Everyone gets sick of the jocks and the BMOC types. The hot women are all going out with exactly the WRONG guys. You eagerly anticipate never speaking to or hearing from almost all of these people ever again. And years later, everyone wakes up and realizes that the nerds secretly won.
Vote for Obama If You Like Human Beings
Mobutu Sese Seko · 11/06/12 01:00PM
It is difficult to have a rational conversation about reelecting Barack Obama. The right still likes to believe the left considers him "Obamessiah." Progressives seem to salivate at how pristinely their principles appear next to his shortcomings. And those young enough to not have experienced the soulfucker that was Clinton's second term almost revel in their worldly contempt after seeing their 2008 dreams brought low. Look, ma, I got my political disenchantment badge!
Shooting the Messenger's Numbers: Nate Silver's Struggle (The Redux)
Mobutu Sese Seko · 11/02/12 11:02AM
Nate Silver, the famed statistician behind the FiveThirtyEight election forecast blog at the New York Times, is wrong. And gay. At least according to the more virulent elements of right-wing media. That he's wrong is only confirmed by his gayness, just as surely as his gayness is the source of his wrongness. Nate Silver is a tautology of being queer as hell about everything.
The Tribal Menace of Colin Powell's Obama Endorsement
Mobutu Sese Seko · 10/26/12 11:30AMAlways Bet on Me: Mitt Romney's Order to the Bosses of Wage Slaves
Mobutu Sese Seko · 10/18/12 11:00AMThe Ryan-Biden Debate: ‘Let’s Talk Powerpoints’ vs. ‘I’m Gonna Fuck You Up, Chief’
Mobutu Sese Seko · 10/10/12 12:45PM
Deep down, probably all of us secretly wish that The Onion's version of Vice President Joe Biden were real. Perhaps it's all those gaffes talking—the combined weight of decades of gives-no-fuck moments leading to the suspicion that maybe this is a dude who would be willing to race you for the vice presidency because, face it, your IROC-Z is bullshit. The idea that any iteration of that dude might show up is what makes tomorrow night's vice presidential debate so potentially exciting.
Obama's Debate: What the Fuck Did You Expect?
Mobutu Sese Seko · 10/05/12 09:35AMButt-Chugging the Election: Your 2012 Presidential Debate Drinking Games
Mobutu Sese Seko · 10/03/12 03:20PMHow We Made and Won the NFL Referee Lockout
Mobutu Sese Seko · 09/27/12 02:05PM
It takes remarkably few complaints about the NFL referee lockout to provoke a chiding comment about "bread and circuses." It's a novel insight, assuming your conversation occurs nearly 2,000 years ago in imperial Rome. But all too often it represents misplaced disengagement. And now, of course, it's over, which makes it even easier to dismiss—a hiccup of labor history remembered only by people who paint themselves blue and stand nearly naked outside in January.
Mitt Romney's Orgy of Creative Self-Destruction
Mobutu Sese Seko · 09/22/12 10:12AMRomney's Latest Boner: The Emperor Has No Clothes, No Plans and No Excuses
Mobutu Sese Seko · 09/19/12 03:30PM
There's an old political line about how a gaffe is merely a case of a politician inadvertently revealing an obvious truth. In that sense, Mitt Romney has been on an honesty rampage for six years. He is the Mr. Bean-like embodiment of every impulse to accidentally thoroughly disrobe before an unwilling nation.
Barack Obama Is Libya's Al-Qaida Chief for Hawaii
Mobutu Sese Seko · 09/14/12 01:30PM
On Wednesday, Rush Limbaugh once again proved that he's unafraid to ask questions the rest of us avoid because the blood vessels to our brains aren't occluded by hog fat and Macanudos. On his radio show, he speculated: "What if Ayman al-Zawahiri and other al-Qaida leaders gave up Osama bin Laden for the express purpose of making Obama look good?" He then followed up, "Do you think that militant Islamists will be as hopeful of getting rid of Israel with a Republican president or with a Democrat president?"
Mitt Romney Fails to Meet His War Word Quota
Mobutu Sese Seko · 09/11/12 02:00PMRunning on Empty: Obama Omitted Details, Drones and His Best Chance at Dynamism
Mobutu Sese Seko · 09/07/12 09:50AMWe Must Deject This House: Mitt Romney's Terminal Speech
Mobutu Sese Seko · 08/31/12 01:50PM
While regular-sized Mitt Romney stood inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum, telling regular-sized fables, his 40-foot-high head boomed from the side of a parking garage. The image called for blood-red banners and black bunting, for Dwight Schrute pounding the podium and yelling, "BLOOD ALONE MOVES THE WHEELS OF HISTORY." Instead, Mitt pulled an awkward smile, wincing and unconvincing, unctuously excusing himself into our hearts—the Jim Halpert of the annals American politics.
Why Mitt's Money Matters
Mobutu Sese Seko · 08/24/12 01:00PMA Mighty Fortress Is Todd Akin's Vagina
Mobutu Sese Seko · 08/20/12 03:40PM
It's probably a little unfair to blast Todd Akin (R-Missouri) for his belief in uterine magic, since his entire worldview hinges on a poor Nazarene woman practicing that art over 2000 years ago. Then again, the Archangel Gabriel didn't deliver the Annunciation by sticking a flaming foot in his trumpet, so there's that.