
Backwards Leg Allows Kid to Keep Playing Baseball

Max Read · 05/21/11 01:56PM

Ten-year-old Dugan Smith was diagnosed with a rare kind of cancer in his thigh bone, leaving him with a softball-sized tumor. Usually, similar patients have their legs partially amputated and are given cadaver or prosthetic thigh bones. But Dugan wanted to keep playing baseball.

Man Sues Medic Who Stole His Disembodied Foot to Train Her Dog

Maureen O'Connor · 03/08/11 05:59PM

Two years ago, Florida firefighter and paramedic Cindy Economou served six months of probation for second-degree petty theft for stealing a disembodied foot from the scene of a car crash with the ulterior motive of using it to train her cadaver-sniffing dog. Economou's excuse: "It was an unrecognizable mass of flesh. It wasn't a clean cut. You couldn't even recognize it as a foot… If I had thought it was somehow reattachable and usable, I would have gone to my commander." Well, in that case—hmm, no, still horrifying.