
ABC Correspondent's On-Air Mammogram Reveals Cancer

Sarah Hedgecock · 11/11/13 02:02PM

When Good Morning America correspondent Amy Robach agreed to undergo a mammogram on-air last month as part of the show's promotion of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, she did it for the benefit of viewers with little thought to her own health. But as it turns out, the procedure may just have saved her life.

The Kardashian Family Are America's New Economic Crisis

Foster Kamer · 09/27/09 10:53AM

The Kardashians are richer than they should be. Michael Douglas: trying to protect his kids from cocaine. Tori Spelling's husband's ex-wife doesn't suck. A celebrity was an asshole. Courtney Love and Hugo Chavez: hooking up? Sunday Morning's Gossip Roundup:

Arianna on MSNBC, Obama's FDR Mystery

cityfile · 11/18/08 12:22PM

♦ When Barack Obama mentioned on 60 Minutes that he was reading a book about FDR, what book was he referring to? At least one publisher wants to know. [NYT]
National Geographic is getting into the videogame business. [THR]
♦ Pepsi has dumped its longtime ad agency, BBDO Worldwide, in favor of TBWA/Chiat/Day. [NYT]
♦ Rosie O'Donnell is planning to appear on three episodes of Rachael Ray's cooking show this month. [NYDN]
♦ ESPN has outbid Fox for the broadcast rights to college football's Bowl Championship Series, beginning in 2011. [WSJ]
Maxim has named NBC's Amy Robach as "hottest news anchor." [TVNewser]
♦ Just in time for Christmas, Fox News' Sean Hannity is sponsoring a series of "Freedom Concerts." [HuffPo]
♦ Here's video of a stilted Arianna Huffington filling in for Rachel Maddow on MSNBC last night, in case you missed it. [Gawker]

Tough Times at Today?

cityfile · 07/22/08 06:27AM

Sure, the Today Show isn't the cash cow it once was, but has it really gotten to this? Weekend anchor Amy Robach signed up for a personal assistant service online as part of a recent story. For $1 a day, she had an employee in India do all her dirty work, which, in her case, involved scheduling appointments with doctors and buying her grandma a birthday present. But this may just be a sign of things to come! Just wait until Brian Williams has to explain to "Ray"—who actually happens to be named Rajiv and a resident of Hyderabad—that he doesn't like mayonnaise on his tunafish sandwiches. The clip after the jump.