
How Groupon Turned Into a Messy Orgy of Money, Sex, and Ego

Ryan Tate · 11/01/11 03:19PM

Groupon's long journey from flailing startup to multi-billion-dollar Wall Street obsession has played out like an opera, with subplots involving orgiastic young sales reps, brutal German managers, a puppet-master chairman, and amazing levels of greed. Business Insider's Nicholas Carlson went behind the scenes, talked to people in the know, and filed the sensational report that appears below.

Groupon Exec Jumps Ship for Google

Adrian Chen · 09/23/11 04:07PM

Here's another sign, if one was needed, that Groupon is coming unhinged when it can least afford it: The company's COO, Margo Georgiadis, has jumped ship after just five short months for her old employer, Google.

Is Groupon's Bizarre CEO Ruining His IPO?

Ryan Tate · 08/30/11 08:16PM

There's something charming about Andrew Mason's goofiness. "I feel like clout is something that builds up on your teeth," the Groupon CEO once told Today in response to a question about his influence. But with two top lieutenants out the door in as many weeks, you have to wonder if the antics are starting to grate.

Groupon's Bullshit Accounting Bewilders the Feds

Ryan Tate · 07/28/11 02:01PM

Because it loses tons of money, Groupon is promoting its IPO using an inflated income number that excludes marketing and customer acquisition costs. Why would you do that? Well, that's exactly what the SEC is now asking.