
Waitress Who Called Out Jerk Tipper Got the Wrong Guy

Lauri Apple · 10/12/11 08:26AM

Ever since Seattle waitress Victoria Liss Facebook-posted the awful tip she received from one Andrew Meyer—aka "You could stand to loose [sic] a few pounds" Guy—you've probably developed some negative feelings for Mr. Meyer, and possibly for other Andrew Meyers around the world. Andrew Meyers are similar to apples, in that a rotten one can spoil the whole barrel.

"Don't tase me bro" goes commercial

Jordan Golson · 12/07/07 07:35PM

Andrew Meyer, a student at the University of Florida who was tasered after trying to ask John Kerry questions at a forum, got his 15 minutes of fame when millions saw video of him saying, "Don't tase me, bro!" on YouTube. If you thought it was the funniest thing you've ever seen, and you're a Verizon Wireless customer, you're in luck! You can purchase "Don't Tase Me Bro!" as your ringback tone. (A ringback tone is a short song or audio clip that plays when someone calls you. So, instead of hearing a boring "ring ring," your debt collectors and babydaddies will hear "DON'T TASE ME, BRO! ARGHH!" repeatedly. Who doesn't want that?) OK, seriously, this must be a sign of the coming apocalypse. For those who missed it, the full video of the arrest and tasing is after the jump.