
Hamilton Nolan · 09/02/14 11:35AM

Disgraced (but very rich) former Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo says he "didn't do anything wrong" when his company wrote all those bad mortgages that brought down the global economy. And besides—"Mozilo gives a $5 bill to each homeless person he sees on New York's Fifth Avenue" when he visits.

Angelo Mozilo's Sucker-Free System for Getting Super Rich

Hamilton Nolan · 10/15/10 03:37PM

The Way We Live Now: with our head held high. And our shoulders square. And our skin burnished with expensive tanning solutions. You can steal a hundred million and pay back less than seventy. That's how wealth is created!

Mozilo Charged

cityfile · 06/04/09 02:02PM

The SEC filed filed civil charges this afternoon against former Countrywide chief Angelo Mozilo and two other former executives at the company. The three stand accused of committing fraud by misleading investors; Mozilo also faces insider trading charges for selling Countrywide stock based on nonpublic information and collecting around $140 million in the process. His status as the most overly tanned CEO in American corporate history? That remains undisputed. [WSJ, NYT]

Wall Street: Thursday Morning

cityfile · 05/14/09 05:41AM

• AIG's Ed Liddy now says the company will need three to five years to carry out its restructuring plan and repay taxpayer bailout money. [NYT]
• Hedge funds actually saw returns rise more than three percent in April. [DB]
• Walter Noel's Fairfield Greenwich hedge fund is no more. The disgraced firm is handing over its remaining $2.5 billion to Sciens Capital. [NYP]
• The rich get richer: As financial firms raise capital and pay back TARP money, it's Goldman, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan that are profiting. [Fortune]

America's Most Villainous CEO Finds The Little People 'Disgusting'

Hamilton Nolan · 05/21/08 09:24AM

Angelo Mozilo is the CEO of disastrous mortgage lender Countrywide, and one of the most overpaid, reviled, and villainous business executives in America today. He's drawn huge salaries even as his company led to the way for the subprime mortgage collapse. So you might expect the guy to be surrounded at all times by a team of highly-paid image consultants, ensuring that every word out of his mouth in some way helped to resurrect his shattered reputation. Wrong, bitches! With a classic "Hitting reply instead of forward" move, Mozilo inadvertently let a desperate homeowner (and the world) know what he thought of his plea for help: "Disgusting.":