
Animal Collective's Deakin Apologizes for Screwing Fans on Kickstarter

Cord Jefferson · 09/28/12 03:10PM

In our piece last week about Amanda Palmer and the nearly non-existent accountability practices of Kickstarter, we briefly touched on the infamous Kickstarter project of one Josh Dibb. Dibb, a member of ballyhooed Baltimore band Animal Collective, infamously collected more than $25,000 three years ago to do a music project in Africa. Almost three years later, none of the donors to Dibb's project have received any of the rewards they were promised.

Today's Song: Animal Collective 'New Town Burnout'

Rich Juzwiak · 09/05/12 02:35PM

Animal Collective makes music like San Francisco/Cleveland/Seattle/Blaine, Missouri/Iceland/everywhere (apparently) makes weather: If you don't like a melody, wait a few bars. That's the case for their twisty ninth full-length, Centipede Hz, which is out this week. Their endlessly shifting melodies and tempos make for an exhausting experience — I was listening to this album at the gym yesterday and noticed that it only made my workout seem longer. Though psychedelic, this music is no poor man's vacation — it is demanding and unsettling. Acid is an uncomfortable drug, and so is Centipede Hz.