Which Giant-Titted Anime Statue Was Kanye West Obsessed With?
Sam Biddle · 12/05/14 11:15AMSurveillance Video Shows Moments Before Police Killed Black Cosplayer
Jay Hathaway · 11/25/14 06:05PMAutopsy: Cops Shot Black Anime Cosplayer Four Times in the Back
Jay Hathaway · 10/29/14 11:45AMRick Santorum's Wholesome Film Studio Has a Smutty Anime Secret
Adam Weinstein · 03/27/14 12:10PMAfter retiring from professional election-losing, conservative ex-senator Rick Santorum has reinvented himself as a film mogul. And he's primed for success, seeing as how his "faith-based film studio" is backed and managed by an expert in T&A anime, National Memo's Ben Feuerhard reported this morning.
Here's NSA Leaker Edward Snowden's Anime Art Company Profile
Max Read · 06/12/13 04:08PMThe Flintstone's in Anime
Marisa Gladstone · 01/25/11 03:05PMPebbles and Bam Bam look much older and are way more mature in this Japanese ad from 1986.
Here's a Japanese Concert That Stars an Anime Hologram
Matt Cherette · 11/09/10 02:55PMJapan isn't exactly known for being normal, we know this. But did you ever think you'd see a concert—attended by thousands of screaming fans—that starred an anime-like hologram? Whether you did or not, here it is. Watch inside.
New Hampshire Pol: Anime Proves We Should Have Nuked Japan Harder
Maureen O'Connor · 03/27/10 06:01PMJapanese Shrine Besieged by Young Men in Drag
Sheila · 07/30/08 10:00AMChristina Ricci Has Turned Into Anime
Richard Lawson · 04/16/08 03:41PM
Christina Ricci is on the cover of this month's BlackBook magazine, talking about her role in the upcoming weirdo futuristic kind-of-cartoony live action Wachowski brothers-directed action zoom zoom anime car movie jam Speed Racer. And look at her! In the car! With the little bob haircut and purple bathing costume! She's come a long way from Casper. Click through for larger image and a Speed Racer trailer. [Image via Splash]
Japanese Nerds Getting Co-Opted Just Like American Nerds
Nick Douglas · 04/03/08 05:29PM
In America, nerdiness went mainstream a few years ago, with everyone reading Harry Potter and playing video games and using social networks and wearing polyester shirts until "nerd," formerly a stigmatized subculture, was just another dimension of normal personality. (This has already been covered to death in a million magazine pieces, right? 'Cause if not I need to e-mail the New Yorker.) Anyway the same thing happened in Japan, says writer John Lichman in his obituary for "otaku". The term "was the equivalent of saying 'nerd,'" he says, "but with even darker intent." Otaku were outcasts. But in Japan too, their obsessions (anime, video games, quietly nursed unrequited crushes) became mainstream. And it's partly our fault!