
"I Feel Like Poop": Here Are Highlights from Lifetime's Anna Nicole

Rich Juzwiak · 06/30/13 11:52AM

Lifetime's Anna Nicole movie (directed by American Psycho's Mary Harron) was an upgrade from the 2007 biopic starring Willa Ford and also called Anna Nicole, but that's not saying a whole lot. While Agnes Bruckner did a decent job of conveying Anna Nicole Smith's goofy sweetness and sliding scale of self-awareness, the movie was weirdly still and bland for a life that was bursting with fruit flavor and silicone. (Dan P. Lee's New York story on which it was based, "Paw Paw & Lady Love," was much more vivid and empathetic.) Ignored almost entirely in this movie was Smith's knack for showing up in public an acting like a maniac — crucial to her legend was her long string of awards show appearances, red carpet camping and tabloid-TV outbursts. Smith's real gift for spectacle went mostly unexamined.

Short Ends: Anna Nicole, Sad, Sparkly Clown

mark · 03/19/07 08:52PM

· Behold, Anna Nicole Sad Clown: The Sparkle Portrait. [via BoingBoing]
· We feel like we totally missed the boat on LAX AirbusMania—correct us if we're wrong, but isn't this just a big, fat plane? Call us when Travolta buys one.
· Mirren's a shoe-in for the lead in The Queen II: Iron Lady.
· Radar updates on the progress to close a deal for Beckingham Palace. Please adjust your stalking plans accordingly.
· On the off chance this obvious joke hasn't been made yet: "My name is David Geffen, and I approve this message."