
Two 'Observer' Boys To Become Honest Men

Joshua Stein · 12/28/07 11:37AM

We hear that over Christmas, two of the New York Observer's all-too-rare bachelor heterosexual reporters stopped being so single! According to office gossip, both nightlife reporter Spencer Morgan and man-about-town George Gurley got engaged! Morgan's intended is Alexis Bryan, the daughter of Vogue editor Anna Wintour's man-partner. This means that Colonel Potter from M*A*S*H*, who is Morgan's grandfather, will be the stepfather-in-law of Anna Wintour. (Crazy!) Rumor has it that Morgan's in-laws-to-be bought their future son-in-law a Cadillac. (Though it might be Alexis' mother, not father, who so gifted.)

Anna Wintour Forced To Utter The Word 'Blog'!

Choire · 12/18/07 09:40AM

Vogue editor Anna Wintour was forced to go to an event last night with "BLOG" in the title, because it was at the Met's Costume Institute! (Blog.Mode! Ha!) Eww! Has she come around on her (righteous) hatred of the word blog? (We have not; the gays of the internet have come to prefer pronouncing it as blogue (rhymes with vogue!), as in, "Have you finished your load of bloguing for the day?" and as in the illustrated example!) In any event, the Met thing sounds kind of... sad. "The exhibition presents some forty costumes and accessories dating from the eighteenth century to the present—all recent Metropolitan Museum acquisitions—and invites visitors to share their reactions online or from a 'blogbar' of computer terminals in the exhibition galleries." *Shudder* Although it was all paid for by Manolo Blahnik! So maybe it is awesome?

Panty-Clad Anna Wintour!

Choire · 12/06/07 10:25AM

WWD notes that Stardolls has added a Vogue editor Anna Wintour doll to their digital collection—and Jeff Bercovici at Portfolio notes that she is basically naked. We are going to be Photoshopping outfits on her ALL DAY LONG. (Wintour's doll is much prettier than Perez's!)

A Gawker Thanksgiving

Joshua Stein · 11/21/07 05:00PM

Every year Gawker commenter and ad sales guy (and the best argument for abolishing the divide between editorial and advertising) LolCait has a super special Thanksgiving in his mind. There all of his and your favorite characters meet and dreams come true. This year Laurel Touby hosts.

Bee Shaffer's Dad Will End You As Soon As Look At You

Maggie · 10/25/07 01:36PM

If you take what they say about that apple and its fall from that tree, Bee Shaffer's genes basically ensure that she will kill us all eventually to rule over the earth. Anna Wintour's spawn was begotten of David Shaffer, chief of Columbia's division of child and adolescent psychiatry, who, another professor has charged, coordinated his systematic "Machiavellian ouster" from the school.

Joshua Stein · 10/04/07 11:45AM

According to a French television show called Signé Anna, Anna Wintour's face is only 17 percent face. The rest is sunglasses (20%) and hair (63%). There were however trace amounts of regret, Restylane, spittle and arsenic found as well. [NYT]

Emily Gould · 09/27/07 09:42AM

Good stories we've heard: "Okay, so Meredith Melling Burke —you know, she's Anna Wintour's #2 at Vogue?—is going around telling this story. She has a house in Nantucket, right? And one night she and her friend decide to have a contest. They're going to go to a bar and see who can get the most townies' phone numbers. Meredith totally wins. And then later her husband finds all the numbers and he's, like, sooooo mad."

Sting Visits A House Of Ill Repute

Emily Gould · 09/14/07 08:00AM
  • His wife Trudie Styler's tantric lovemakings are apparently not sufficient for Sting, who was spotted leaving a "notorious brothel" in Germany. How did he find the place? Did they put on the red li ... sorry. Sorry! [Daily Mail]

abalk · 09/13/07 08:40AM

Nightmare celeb stylist Rachel Zoe talks trash to the Times' Deborah Solomon Lynn Hirschberg: "Anna Wintour is one of my heroes, but they say I'm more influential. As great as it is, Vogue won't change a designer's business. But if an unknown brand is worn by a certain person in a tabloid, it will be the biggest designer within a week." You hear that, Wintour? She's coming at ya! [WWD]

Emily Gould · 09/10/07 05:00PM

Does Vogue editor Anna Wintour's newfound healthy hearty appetite have anything to do with the mysterious standing ovation her tennis-playing pal Roger Federer received when he walked into Oscar de la Renta's show? Just sayin'! [Daily Intel]

Emily Gould · 09/10/07 12:30PM

"We're starving. We're wondering about food," the Vogue editor was overheard complaining at the Ralph Lauren gala. Fifty-one minutes later, she got some salad. [NYDN Fashion Week]

Fashion Week: The Economic Rationale For Partying Like a Rockstar

Elizabeth Currid · 09/04/07 12:55PM

You read Us Weekly for the articles. You can't help but be interested in what Lindsay Lohan snorted, ran her car into or slept with this week. But, you went to college, you read the new Chabons and Lethems as soon as they come out! You're not a vapid person! Good news: Celebrity is not only a major driver of the economy, it's a subject worthy of academic scrutiny. University of Southern California professor Elizabeth Currid, PhD., explains the sociology of fame and pop culture.

BlackBerry Cougars Love Roger Federer

Choire · 08/30/07 10:17AM

So now we know all the ladies of a certain age love tennis ho/pro Roger Federer. So, like, does Vogue just shut down while the U.S. Open is in session? Does Anna Wintour keep an Airstream trailer off the courts that she shares each night with Martha Stewart? Um is any lady-exec working in this town? Is anyone? (Besides the people blogging the damn thing every 15 minutes, of course.) [Image: Getty]

Our Tennis Nightmare Obsessively Documented, Not Yet Over

Choire · 08/29/07 09:00AM

We could not give less of a damn about the U.S. Open—although we are still interested in and baffled by Vogue editor Anna Wintour's extreme obsession with Roger Federer. (She hosted a dinner for him on the 23rd, he got that Men's Vogue cover, she keeps getting spotted in the stands, including on Monday, and we fully expect to see him seated alongside her at the fashion shows.) Whatever, despite the forearms, he's not that pretty. But we'd be remiss if we didn't point out the absolute insanity of the Observer's U.S. Open blog. We realized it had totally gotten out of hand last night when they posted pictures of South African doubles player Jeff Coetzee getting his hair cut. It's like U.S. Weekly but for straight men! We'll start reading when there are more pictures of ballboys.

The New Couple Around Town

Choire · 08/21/07 08:30AM

Today's Page Six stumbles when it should have scooped: "Sightings: Maxim Deputy Editor Chris Wilson howling out a Monkees song with N.Y. Observer writer George Gurley, followed by fellow Observer scribe Spencer Morgan and his girlfriend, Vanity Fair fashion editrix Alexis Stewart, belting out Heart's "Magic Man" at Sing Sing." So close! Alexis Stewart is Martha Stewart's crazy daughter. Spencer Morgan is dating Alexis Bryan. Shelby Bryan's daughter. You know, Vogue editor Anna Wintour's lover Shelby Bryan? Crazy, right? (Sort of better than Spencer's boss Jared Kushner dating Ivanka Trump even.) Please God, let them have children together and make Anna Wintour a grandmother at the same time as Colonel Potter becomes a great-grandfather!

New VH1 Reality Show Seeks Mag Editor Who's Like Anna Wintour, But Desperate

Emily Gould · 08/10/07 12:00PM

We hear that Vh1 is currently casting a talent-competition show that's to be a mix of 'The Devil Wears Prada' and 'Ugly Betty' called 'American Ugly,' where girls who don't feel that just being a women's magazine editorial assistant is degrading enough on its own will get to be editorial assistants on T.V. They're still casting the hosts, though, and they're running into snags: Apparently, they'd like an "Anna Wintour type," who would ideally be the editor of a real magazine, with which the show would have a "Project Runway/Elle" type relationship. Aww. Dreams are cute! They'll be lucky if they can get the editor of Life&Style, whoever that is. Anyway, they're also casting an "Emily Blunt type" and a "that bitchy gay guy" type. Have your agent look into it!

Anna Wintour At Wakiya At The Gramercy Park Hotel

Joshua Stein · 07/31/07 12:00PM

Last night, we took a date to Wakiya, the new high-end Chinese restaurant at Ian Schrager's Gramercy Park Hotel. The first thing one notices upon entering the space is the strong scent of burning oolong tea. ("It's behind the banquettes," the waiter proudly explained.) The second thing is the tapestried walls. Thirdly, that all the bubble dresses that the women are wearing creepily match the tapestries. (Earth tones, so hot right now!) Fourthly: Good gravy, that's Anna Wintour! Wait, is it? It is! And that's when we leaned on our table, ill-advisedly, and the matte black china plates crashed to the ground. From her perch at the banquette, Anna Wintour did not look impressed. Neither did our date. House music gently played in the background. "Oh God," we thought, "is this what disaster sounds like? A crash and then some some synthesizers?"

How To Become Famous: Join The Celebrity Network

abalk · 07/16/07 12:05PM

You read Us Weekly for the articles. You can't help but be interested in what Lindsay Lohan snorted, ran her car into or slept with this week. But, you went to college, you read the new Chabons and Lethems as soon as they come out! You're not a vapid person! Good news: Celebrity is not only a major driver of the economy, it's a subject worthy of academic scrutiny. University of Southern California professor Elizabeth Currid, PhD., explains the sociology of fame and pop culture.

Like most people who've lived in New York or Los Angeles for a while, I am no longer thrilled about running into celebrities for the sake of running into them. It isn't all that interesting any more, even though it's still amusing to remark, "I ran into Scarlett Johansson and she is so much hotter in person." (She so is).

Hugging Anna Wintour

Choire · 07/05/07 12:20PM

The extraordinarily well-adjusted Bee Schaffer attempts to complete a hug with her mother, Vogue editor Anna Wintour, outside the Ritz. It made us sad a little.

Tom Cruise Is The Spawn Of Satan

Doree Shafrir · 06/01/07 01:58PM

Glaring Omissions reproduces tips received from readers in the last week that weren't covered on Gawker, either by accident (it happens!) or by design (it happens more often).