Thirty Years Ago, the Challenger Crew Plunged Alive and Aware to Their Deaths
Tom Scocca · 01/28/16 02:08PMTen Years On: George W. Bush's Hair
Alex Pareene · 08/28/15 05:00PMHamilton Nolan · 07/30/15 09:54AM
Adam Weinstein · 07/28/14 03:34PM
"I beg you, stop. I ask you with all my heart," Pope Francis beseeched humanity about its incessant strife today, the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First World War. "Everything is lost with war, nothing is lost with peace." And Israel and Gaza and Russia and Ukraine were all "Ehhhhh FUCK that guy."
Twenty-Five Years Later, It Is Always June 4, 1989
Tom Scocca · 06/04/14 10:32AM
On June 1, this past Sunday, police came to the Beijing home of the artist Guo Jian—an Australian citizen, living in Beijing with an Australian passport—and took him away. Two days before, the Financial Times had published an interview with Guo. In it, he talked about how he'd privately made an installation of a diorama of Tian'anmen Square, buried in a layer of ground pork, till the meat had rotted. Guo went on to tell the reporter about his own experience at Tianan'men in 1989: a hunger strike, tear gas, bullets, blood, "the emergency room packed with bodies."
Sarah Hedgecock · 04/07/14 02:36PM
Sarah Hedgecock · 03/11/14 12:00PM

[A man prays in front of the main entrance of Okawa Elementary School, where 74 students went missing after the 2011 tsunami in northern Japan. Tuesday marks the third anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami that killed 15,884 people and left more than 2,600 unaccounted for in vast areas of its northern coast. Image via Shizuo Kambayashi/AP.]
Fuck Green Day
Adam Weinstein · 01/31/14 03:07PMNipplegate at 10: How Justin Won Superbowl XXXVIII, and How Janet Lost
Rich Juzwiak · 01/30/14 01:40PMAdam Weinstein · 01/20/14 02:13PM
Ken Layne · 01/03/14 02:19PM

An entire decade ago, Gawker Media launched a D.C. spinoff called Wonkette. There were no iPhones or tablets or black presidents then, just crude weapons such as "blogs" and "the Blingee." Now-old editors including Alex Pareene, Jason Linkins, Josh Fruhlinger, Kirsten Boyd Johnson and "Ken Layne" are today sharing their mostly heartbreaking tales of madness, booze, blood and Santorum on this blessed anniversary. (Original editor Ana Marie Cox skipped the reunion.) Wonkette itself was spun off (to me!) in 2008, and continues as a filthy website about the vile comedy of politics, led by Wonkette-in-Chief Rebecca Schoenkopf.
Gun Groups Declare Newtown Massacre Anniversary "Guns Save Lives Day"
Cord Jefferson · 10/11/13 11:17AM
A trio of pro-gun groups has come together to declare December 14, the one-year anniversary of last year's horrific Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, "Guns Save Lives Day." Because when you think about all the people saved by America's many, many handguns and rifles and shotguns, what springs to mind but the day when 26 innocent people—20 of them children—were slaughtered with guns?
Five Ideas For the Next Century of Taxes
Hamilton Nolan · 10/02/13 12:52PMFive Years After Lehman, Is Wall Street Any Safer?
Hamilton Nolan · 09/10/13 12:14PMOne Year Later, Ted Nugent's Presidential Threat Is Still Bullshit
Cord Jefferson · 04/14/13 09:00AM
One year ago today, draft-dodging, venison-fueled gun nut Ted Nugent pledged at a Missouri NRA conference that he would be "either be dead or in jail by this time next year" if President Obama were reelected. At the time the Secret Service vowed to investigate Nugent's latest vague threat—previously he'd said he wanted Obama to "suck my machine gun"—but ultimately it turned up no real merit to the ranting.
Marine Refuses to Lend Military the American Flag That Covered Saddam's Statue
Adam Weinstein · 04/09/13 11:38AM
Ten years ago today, TV carried one of the most iconic, if stage-managed and misremembered, images of the invasion of Iraq: Moments before toppling the statue of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in Baghdad's Firdos Square, several Marines used a United States flag to cover Saddam's face before prudently swapping it for an Iraqi standard.
Tom Scocca · 03/27/13 11:35AM
Wish George W. Bush a Happy Iraq War Day: Here is His Private Email Address
John Cook · 03/19/13 04:30PM
As we mentioned earlier, a hacker calling himself (or herself) Guccifer has penetrated the electronic worlds of George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, and a number of other political figures. Screengrabs of various email conversations that Bush, Clinton, and others have participated in have been floating around the internet. And it has come to our attention on this, the day of the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq on the orders of George W. Bush, that one of those screengrabs credibly displays Bush's private email address. It is: Please let him know that you're thinking of him today.
Gawker Is Roughly Ten Years Old (We Think?)
gawker staff · 01/03/13 04:03PMIt is January 3, 2013. We are proud(?) to inform all of you that this website you are now reading ( is now ten years old. Double digits. Fuck.