
There Is No Way These Are the Most Annoying Words of 2011

Max Read · 12/16/11 04:55PM

The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion has done its annual survey and declared "whatever" the "word or phrase considered to be the most annoying in casual conversation" in 2011. Right. Ummm... sure. I mean... whatever.

NYPD Getting New, More Bone-Rattling Siren

Hamilton Nolan · 02/11/11 12:37PM

Tired of high-pitched sirens disturbing the quiet peace of the quaint, idyllic burg in which you chose to make your home—New York, NY? Good news. The NYPD is switching from its old screeching siren to a new brand of siren called The Rumbler. It's better because it rumbles!

Why Overheard Cellphone Conversations Are More Annoying Than Normal Ones

Maureen O'Connor · 09/09/10 02:27PM

Scientists have definitively proved that overhearing a cellphone conversation is more distracting than overhearing a normal conversation. It's because you only hear a "half-a-logue," which is less predictable and therefore requires more mental power to parse and ignore.

Guerrilla Marketing Gone Bad

cityfile · 01/22/10 02:53PM

Those really annoying trucks that drive around, clog up city streets, and serve no other purpose than to expose you to some dumb ad? They're getting an upgrade. Taking a cue from those horrific RVs that Lubavitch Jews use to proselytize with, the "mobile billboards" will soon blast music as they drive around town.

Hippies Are Harassing Society With Kind Words!

Choire · 12/05/07 09:50AM

Hippies are going up to people on the street and handing them scraps of paper! It is highly annoying. This sample was obtained yesterday; some fella approached and extended the paper, and did not seem to be selling anything else in particular besides free fucking love.

abalk · 07/26/07 11:08AM

"Nine times out of ten, using 'sic' simply draws attention away from the quote and towards the quoter, and, to this reader's eyes at least, reduces the quoter to a smug, insecure attention-seeker, more interested in advertising their own knowledge than in adding to the sum of the world's. So writers, think twice!—put a sock in sic." [Prospect]