
'Liberal Extremist' Court Says Alabama Can't Track Students' Immigration Info

Max Read · 10/15/11 10:09AM

All Alabama wants to do is stop the Mexicans from coming to its state and taking "the jobs nobody wants to do," by forcing visible minorities to carry proof of legal immigration status on them at all times, and also tracking the immigration status of schoolchildren (who are literally stealing education), but will the "liberal extremists" of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals let them? Noooo!

Madonna Will Not Accept Defeat

cityfile · 04/03/09 01:14PM

Madonna's lawyer says she plans to appeal a judge's ruling that she cannot adopt a second child from Malawi. [AP]

Last-Minute Madoff Victim Still Wants His Money Back

cityfile · 03/20/09 02:27PM

Just days before Bernie Madoff was arrested, a Bronx businessman named Martin Rosenman handed over $10 million of his family's money to the now-imprisoned financier's investment firm. Terrible timing, no doubt, but Rosenman quickly argued that he hadn't actually intended to have Madoff invest the cash until the following month, so he was entitled to get his money back pronto, and shouldn't be treated like the thousands of shlubs who'd fallen victim to Madoff months or years earlier. A federal judge ruled against Rosenman in February and instructed him to take his place in line with everyone else, thank you very much. But it seems Rosenman isn't taking no for an answer. Today he filed notice that he intends to appeal the ruling. Best of luck with that, Marty—you'll need it. The court papers are below.

Breaking: Free Paris Movement Gaining Momentum

mark · 05/07/07 04:37PM

At last, hope: Paris Hilton's legal team has filed a notice that they will appeal Friday's sentence (a process that could go on for a year), taking the crucial first steps towards reversing the egregious miscarriage of justice currently tearing our fair city apart. We know that each update brings a fresh wave of nausea to those who can't bear the thought of 45 straight days without a new TMZ video of Hilton entering one of West Hollywood's most exclusive drinking establishments, but do your best to swallow down the hot bile of empathy rising in your throat, knowing that some very capable, very expensive lawyers will do their best to make sure that their too-trusting client's summer isn't sacrificed to a justice system trying to make an example of someone too innocent to even know she was repeatedly breaking the law.