
The Military Created a Special Medal Just for Drone Pilots

Robert Kessler · 02/13/13 06:40PM

For the first time since 1944, the Pentagon has created a new combat-related medal to award drone pilots. Outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced today that the Distinguished Warfare Medal will be given to those who have a direct impact on combat relations, but don't risk their lives to do so.

Amanda Bynes Decorated Her Apartment Like a Parlor Room in Hell

Caity Weaver · 02/13/13 01:21PM

Have you ever had a casual acquaintance who seemed totally normal and nice and the first time you went to their house they were like, "I can't believe you've never seen my house!" and you were like "I can't believe I've never seen your house!" and then you stepped inside and the floor was littered with mutilated doll bodies and it smelled like apricots and there was no furniture?

LAPD Suspect Christopher Dorner May Have Had Help in Trying to Escape to Mexico

Cord Jefferson · 02/12/13 02:20PM

As LA's killer cop manhunt drags into its sixth day, police are learning ever more about Christopher Dorner, the man suspected of killing three people and wounding two others on a revenge mission against the LAPD. Dorner apparently purchased scuba gear two days before allegedly killing his first two victims, and police now believe him to be using burner cellphones to maintain contact with friends and allies. What's more, one of those allies tried to help Dorner flee to Mexico, according to new criminal charges filed in US District Court late last week.

North Korea Reportedly Just Tested a Nuclear Bomb (UPDATE: North and South Korea Confirm)

Taylor Berman · 02/11/13 10:42PM

According to reports from the U.S. Geological Survey, there was a small, 4.9 magnitude earthquake in North Korea late on Monday. The tremor's epicenter was reportedly near North Korea's previous nuclear test sites, where devices were detonated in 2006 and 2009, fueling rumors that the quake was the result of a nuclear explosion. Those rumors have now been confirmed by a United Nations Security Council diplomat, South Korea's Defense Ministry, who are reporting the test yielded an explosion of six to seven kilotons, and the North Korean government.

Passengers Stranded on Disabled Cruise Ship Describe Power Outages and 'Sewage Running Down the Walls'

Taylor Berman · 02/11/13 10:37PM

Things aren't sounding so great for the 4,200 passengers stranded aboard the disabled Carnival Triumph cruise ship, which is currently being towed by two boats through the Gulf of Mexico to Mobile, Alabama, one day after a fire disabled the ship's engines. ABC News is now reporting the ship has limited access to running water and power, and there are also reports of passengers using buckets as makeshift toilets.

Has America Had Enough of Mass Incarceration?

Hamilton Nolan · 02/11/13 10:20AM

More than two decades of The War on Drugs has proven definitively that locking people in jail is a terrible way to solve the drug problem. It has given us the world's highest incarceration rate—an incarceration problem that is worse than the problems that the mass incarceration was supposed to solve. Now, perhaps, the pendulum has begun to swing back towards sanity.

Dozens of Hidden Pyramids Found in Sudan

Mallory Ortberg · 02/09/13 05:40PM

Had you asked me last week if the number of known pyramids in the world was likely to substantially increase anytime soon, I might have said no; how wrong I would have been. LiveScience recently reported that in the last three years "at least 35" petite pyramids have been uncovered for the first time in millennia at a single site in Sudan.

Show Us Your Craziest Pictures From Flake-Quake

Robert Kessler · 02/09/13 11:30AM

Snope. Snow kidding. There's a storm out there. But if a thousand feet of snow falls on the Northeast and you're not there to pick the right Instagram filter, did it really fall at all?

How to Make a Snow Cone

Caity Weaver · 02/08/13 01:56PM

As the Northeast braces for the storm of the century of the week, her citizens have turned into a population of old tabby house cats, arranging their nests as they prepare to die. In their desperate need to shop for anything, people have even cleared out the bad ice cream flavors from the grocery store shelves.

Lutheran Pastor Apologizes for Sharing Stage With 'False Religions' After Newtown Massacre

Hamilton Nolan · 02/08/13 09:50AM

After the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary school last year, even the most devout religious people had cause to momentarily question their faith. Why would a loving god allow something so awful to happen? So, afterwards, Newtown, Connecticut held an interfaith service at which many different religions were represented. Now, the Lutheran guy is apologizing for attending.

Justin Timberlake Is Now the Creative Director for Bud Light Platinum

Taylor Berman · 02/07/13 09:11PM

After an ill-advised foray into acting and the release of a mediocre comeback single, there was only one direction left for Justin Timberlake to take: creative director for Anheuser Busch's high-alcohol new-ish product, Bud Light Platinum. As part of his new gig, Timberlake will be in charge of providing Bud Light Platinum's "creative, musical and cultural curation." He will also star in a commercial for the beer, which will debut during Sunday's Grammy Awards. Timberlake's take on the move?