This Seinfeld Parody Arcade Fire Music Video Is Amazing
Gabrielle Bluestone · 11/30/13 02:15PMCord Jefferson · 10/29/13 11:11AM
This Is the New Arcade Fire Record
John Cook · 10/24/13 03:14PMGabrielle Bluestone · 10/12/13 01:00PM
"You know, I went to one of your first shows and there were more people on stage then there were in the audience. You don't need three drummers," Zach Galifianakis tells Arcade Fire in minute 14 of a 22-minute concert special directed by Roman Coppola, that also features Bill Hader, James Franco, Michael Cera, Aziz Ansari and Rainn Wilson.
Camille Dodero · 09/09/13 12:38PM
'Hitler Youth' Hairdo So Hot Right Now
Maureen O'Connor · 11/16/11 05:59PMDem Governors Make Comical Motivational Montage For Bloggers' Conference
Jim Newell · 07/22/10 01:38PMRepublican Savior Scott Brown Now Pimping Daughter to American Idol
Foster Kamer · 01/31/10 01:45PMJenna Bush Ruins Indie Favorites
Rebecca · 03/03/08 04:13PMIf You've Visited Canada, You Can't Vote
Nick Denton · 03/02/08 12:20PMHillary Clinton's campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination has perfected the geographic excuse. South Carolina wasn't representative because the primary electorate was so black; defeat in Delaware didn't count because the state was so small; Maine held a caucus, dominated by Obama-loving activists, and it snowed. Clinton headquarters used the same playbook when dismissing the endorsement of Barack Obama by Arcade Fire, the indie band. They're Canadian, the Clintonites claimed, so their support doesn't count. Except the band members, as noted by Adam Nagourney of the New York Times, actually grew up in Texas, the biggest state up for grabs in the Democratic race this coming Tuesday. Despite the rush of actors and musicians to Obama's camp, Hillary does retain some cultural cred. Last night's appearance by the Senator on Saturday Night Live , though it lacked the impact of her husband's saxophone show on Arsenio in 1992, wasn't entirely embarrassing. Click for the clip.
Arcade Fire: We "Steal Quite Blatantly From Black People"
Choire · 10/29/07 08:30AM
The mostly-Canadian collective Arcade Fire, reacting to a New Yorker article by Sasha Frere-Jones in which he claimed that "If there is a trace of soul, blues, reggae, or funk in Arcade Fire, it must be philosophical," has actually assembled an mp3 of bits that they have taken from the music of the blacks! It's sort of the most awesome thing they've ever done, though by our lights that isn't saying much.
Pareene · 10/16/07 02:15PM
New Yorker music critic Sasha Frere-Jones is concerned that all the indie kids don't try to sound like black people anymore. He went to an Arcade Fire show and was totally bored! Do they even have a rhythm section? It's all shouting and French horns, isn't it? "But, in the past few years," says Sasha, "I've spent too many evenings at indie concerts waiting in vain for vigor, for rhythm, for a musical effect that could justify all the preciousness." Ok so he didn't he get there in time for LCD Soundsystem then? [New Yorker]
Promotional Airbrushing Sure To Disappoint Hilton's New Lynwood Neighbors
mark · 06/04/07 08:28PM
· Maybe we're just fatigued from too much Hilton coverage, but does it seem like E! gave Paris an airbrushed rack as a going away present? Bonus: A Simple Life mugshot face-off!
· Headline begging for a bad one-liner that we're too lazy to provide: Pope To Be Named NBC Studio Head, Sources Say.
· We're pretty sure the reasons blogs were invented were to make sure it's as simple as possible to start an online feud with indie rockers who allegedly stole your basketball.
· Slow the Fuck Down, says angry Hancock Park sign-maker.
· LAist decries the inhumane conditions (i.e., exposure to Dane Cook) they were subjected to in the MTV Movie Awards Blogghetto.
Remainders: The W Nanny Diaries
Emily Gould · 03/30/07 05:25PMWin Butler on the Brain at the Observer
lneyfakh · 03/17/07 03:01PM
In the culture section of this week's New York Observer, real estate reporter Max Abelson tries his hand at music criticism and spills a few hundred words on the new album by LCD Soundsystem. We're sure it's a fine piece, but as it happened, we didn't get through half of it before we noticed that the accompanying photograph of James Murphy was taken by none other than Win Butler, lead singer of the Arcade Fire.
Why Arcade Fire's St. Win Destroyed His Guitar
abalk2 · 03/16/07 12:17PM
On Wednesday we mentioned to a friend that we were sort of warming up to the new Arcade Fire record, This Music Will Make The Blind See. Yesterday, giving it another listen, we got to the lyric "Don't want to live in America no more," and said, "You know what, fuck this shit." Our verdict is still at "disappointment." Anyway, Win Butler was in this week's Onion, talking about the famous "Saturday Night Live" guitar-smashing incident (an act only slightly less juvenile than the aforementioned lyric). His explanation?
Media Bubble: Giving You The Bird
abalk2 · 03/15/07 10:08AM
Someone sent us this picture of what they describe as a "wild bird" outside the Conde Nast building this morning, which is apparently freaking people out as much or more than the homeless woman who was peeing in the lobby of 4 Times Square on Friday. The bird will be served in the cafeteria around noon. Anna Wintour's gonna put a napkin over her head and eat it ortolan-style. And now, the news.
Arcade Fire's "Neon Bible": Transcendent Or Extraordinary?
abalk2 · 03/05/07 01:20PM
Today's the day that thousands of sensitive young men with artfully-mussed hair and faded Luna t-shirts have been waiting for: Neon Bible, the second record from sorta-Canadian indie heroes Arcade Fire, sees release shortly. That's right, the album that's going to cure cancer and end famine and bring Trump and Rosie together is almost on the shelves! The young men, of course, don't care about that—they downloaded it off the Internet months ago—but they do want to know what Pitchfork has to say about it so that they can adjust their opinions accordingly.