
Magazine Reading For Lazy Idiots

Choire · 10/29/07 09:20AM

You know how all these magazines come to "your" house, but how "you" don't read them? That is the thesis of a Washington Post writer named Frank Ahrens and an entrepreneur named Jeremy Brosowsky. So now Jeremy has made "a Web site that creates 100-word abstracts of articles from dozens of magazines and rates them." Yes, Brijit review-summarizes articles from nearly 50 whole magazines and pays freelancers five dollars to write a summary. Well, we guess that's 20 cents a word. (In doing so, Jeremy employs hipster hottie and music-loving blogger Orr Shtuhl.) This all could be worse. Somehow. Or? You know what? I recant my previous opinions about the internet making people smarter and better readers. The internet is destroying everything. It is worse than T.V. and we should turn it off permanently.