"Only Those Who Dare to Fail Greatly Can Ever Achieve Greatly"—Armadillo
Kelly Conaboy · 06/03/15 01:25PMCheck out this guy.
Man Blames Armadillo After Accidentally Shooting Mother-In-Law
Hudson Hongo · 04/14/15 12:00AMArmadillos Are Giving Everyone Leprosy
Max Read · 04/27/11 10:47PM
Are you a leper? It may be because of the nine-banded armadillo, and not because you are a sinful blasphemer, as previously believed: Based on new evidence, scientists think that the armadillo carries and can spread leprosy to human populations. DNA tests have matched the leprosy strains of some U.S. patients with those of armadillos—among the only animals that carry the bacteria—and though the majority of cases in the U.S. are contracted in countries with higher instances of the disease, these tests indicate that some American patients contracted leprosy through armadillo exposure. Now: It's unlikely the diseases is transmitted through armadillo-human sex—though it's gross your mind went there immediately—as leprosy isn't sexually transmitted between humans, but Dr. Warwick Britton of the University of Sydney in Australia says that he "would not cuddle armadillos," which strikes us as both an admirable personal confession on the part of Dr. Britton, as well as advice we should all consider following. [AP]
Martha Stewart Surprises Us with a Baby Armadillo
Madeleine Davies · 03/18/11 02:20PM"Check out this boring wicker ball I made. PSYCH. It's actually an adorable armadillo. You're welcome." - Martha Stewart
Tired of Cat Videos? Try Baby Armadillos, Instead!
Kristina Grosspietsch · 01/17/11 05:45PMGet to know this little critter with the friendliest sounding man in Texas! His feet were made for digging, but his face was made for loving.