
Rich Juzwiak · 01/08/14 10:58AM

Critic Armond White has denied heckling Steve McQueen at Monday's New York Film Critics Circle awards. "I was misquoted, lied about...I didn't yell anything. I was talking among my friends at the table," White said regarding his behavior during McQueen's speech. So he was rude, but not that rude.

Critic Calls 12 Years a Slave Director a "Garbage Man" at Ceremony

Rich Juzwiak · 01/07/14 11:29AM

Last night, notorious film critic Armond White (dubbed The World's Most Contrarian Film Critic by Time) continued his tradition of howling, transparent public spectacle at the New York Critics Circle Awards. This time, his heckling was aimed at 12 Years a Slave director Steve McQueen. You know how Lady Gaga sings, "I live for the applause"? It's just like that, except the opposite for the troll that is White.