
Fingerless Americans Point a Remaining Finger at Martha

cityfile · 04/02/09 12:37PM

It looks like Fox 5 reporter Arnold Diaz didn't get enough of Martha Stewart the last time he tracked her down. So he decided to go back for some more. This time she's on the hook for chopping people's fingers off thanks to the lounge chairs marketed under her name. We'd love to tell you more, but Arnie's report is proceeded by a big warning that the images are "extremely graphic," and we just ate, but please be our guest. [Fox 5]

Fox 5 Goes Hunting for Dick Fuld

cityfile · 11/26/08 09:13AM

Fox 5 reporter Arnold Diaz paid a visit to Dick Fuld's house in Greenwich clad in a faux leather trench coat as part of one of his "Shame on You" segments this week. It's not quite as satisfying as Diaz's encounter with Martha Stewart a couple of weeks ago, and, unfortunately, he doesn't get a chance to pester Fuld personally like one of Bill O'Reilly's operatives managed to do with ex-Merrill Lynch CEO Stan O'Neal a month ago. On the plus side, though, he does get chewed out by a Eastern European man (Fuld's butler, perhaps?), and the police eventually turn up and force Diaz off the property. Video of the encounter is here. [Dealbreaker]

Martha Stewart Gets Interrogated

cityfile · 11/05/08 11:10AM

With the election madness, we almost missed Arnold Diaz's interrogation of Martha Stewart outside her office earlier this week! It seems some sort of Martha-branded glass table at Kmart spontaneously explodes "for no apparent reason," which is reason enough for the dogged Fox5 reporter to pop out of nowhere and pester her with questions before inducting her into his "Hall of Shame." Just so you know, though, Martha says she is not to blame for small kids getting sliced by shards of glass. Blame the Chinese. "We just designed the tables. Kmart manufactured them in China." Click through for the video.

Fox 5 Correspondent Viciously Assaulted

abalk2 · 04/26/07 10:23AM

Many hardworking newspeople face the risk of serious injury—or worse!—in the line of duty. Take Westchester-living Medill graduate Arnold Diaz, your favorite Fox 5 Senior Investigative Correspondent. The violence visited upon our local courageous consumer reporter is so stunning we had to share it with you. Shame, shame, shame. Shame on all of us.