
A Master Painter Is Trying to Prove in Court That He Didn't Paint This Painting

Andy Cush · 08/08/16 03:10PM

The signature on the jaunty, vaguely surrealistic desert landscape you see above reads “Pete Doige 76.” That’s two letters and two digits removed from the name of Peter Doig, one of the world’s most renowned and successful living painters. Are Doig and Doige one and the same? That’s the $5 million question.

I Am, Therefore I Shop (At American Eagle)

Andy Cush · 07/18/16 12:04PM

I noticed the window display you see above at the Union Square American Eagle store while walking to work one day last week. It looks a lot like the streetwear brand Supreme, which is to say it looks like the work of the artist Barbara Kruger. A ubiquitous clothing line seducing its customers with the visual language of art, borrowed secondhand from a trendier competitor: this is what Kruger herself might term “a ridiculous clusterfuck,” and it’s exactly the kind of clusterfuck she examines in her work.

Eli Valley · 07/05/16 11:20AM

Eli Valley is publishing a collection of his comics this year with OR Books.

Russia’s Anti-Police State Artist Nominated For Police State Prize

Marina Galperina · 06/01/16 03:05PM

Petr Pavlensky—my favorite performance artist since he nailed his scrotum to the Red Square to protest Russia’s police state and “the apathy, political indifference, and fatalism of Russian society”—has been in jail since November, after he set fire to Moscow’s Federal Security Service (FSB) headquarters’ non-functional, symbolic wooden door. The FSB—formerly, the KGB—apparently has a state art prize. This year, Pavlensky was nominated and, for some reason, the FSB has accepted this nomination. It is unclear who is trolling who, but even if he wins (ha!), this artist is going to be in jail for awhile.

"Donald Baron" Is Donald Trump's Worst Alias Yet

Marina Galperina · 05/16/16 02:30PM

This addition to the growing list of nom de Trumps comes from vintage Associate Press wires. Meet “Donald Baron,” who briefly appeared in print 36 years ago.

Door-Burning Scrotum-Nailing Ear-Cutting Political Performance Artist Declared "Sane" In Russia

Marina Galperina · 04/03/16 01:45PM

In November, artist Petr Pavlensky—now famous for nailing his scrotum to the ground in the Red Square—set fire to the wooden doors of Moscow’s Federal Security Service headquarters. He stood there quietly with the gasoline canister for about 30 seconds until he was arrested. He was charged with “vandalism motivated by ideological hatred.” This week, psychiatric experts declared Pavlensky sane and fit to stand trial for his actions, RIA Novosti reports.

Hamilton Nolan · 03/24/16 04:43PM

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of punk this November, the son of the Sex Pistols’ manager says he will burn his $5 million collection of punk memorabilia. That’s fuckin punk.

The Met Is Still Free

Sam Biddle · 02/26/16 04:13PM

The Wall Street Journal reports the end of a lawsuit against the Metropolitan Museum of Art—one of the greatest museums in the world, though still not as good as most museums in D.C.—that alleged admissions-price trickery. Now, the Met will use less misleading language about the price of entry, but the sign will still be wrong, because it costs $0.

Hamilton Nolan · 01/28/16 04:27PM

Brooklyn artist Jessica Olah is making 2,340 PB&J sandwiches in five days, for art. “Doing something small like this could mean something much bigger if it is done with intentionality,” she said. Peanut butter and jelly is a tasty sandwich combination.

Free the Art

Hamilton Nolan · 01/22/16 11:50AM

What good is a work of art that sits in a storage space, unseen by anyone? No good at all!!!

Garbage Art Mistaken for Actual Garbage

Brendan O'Connor · 10/27/15 09:38PM

An art installation of empty champagne bottles, spent confetti and torn party signage at the Museion Bozen-Bolzano in Italy was mistaken for actual garbage by cleaning staff over the weekend, who swept it up and put it in the garbage, Reuters reports.