
J. Edgar Hoover's Stuff to be Displayed in Future Cop Museum

Jeff Neumann · 07/08/10 04:17AM

Former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover's personal stash of pictures, letters, and office furniture will be housed in the future National Law Enforcement Museum in Washington, DC. A cop museum… cool. But will they have a taser section? [NYT]

This Is The World's Oldest Leather Shoe

Adrian Chen · 06/09/10 06:40PM

Archaeologists found this 5,500 year-old shoe in an Armenian cave. The ~size 7 women's leather shoe was preserved under a layer of sheep poop. Researchers speculate it was a "really fresh" throwback to a 5,515 year-old model. [NYT]

Skull & Bones Skull for Sale

Hamilton Nolan · 01/05/10 12:34PM

Goodbye, mystique: A totem collector is auctioning off a magic skull/ stash box that once belonged to Yale's planet-controlling secret society Skull "n" Bones. Plus, "a black book with names and photographs of earlier members." Nick Denton, bid now! [AP]