
All the Teen Girls Wanna Be Tagged by Banksy

Richard Lawson · 01/14/10 03:35PM

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then mass-market imitation must really stroke one's ego. Just ask renegade street artist Banksy, whose iconic 'Balloon Girl' work has been knocked-off and slapped on a hoodie by junk-clothier Forever 21. [TheFrisky]

Death in Venice

Richard Lawson · 06/03/09 04:47PM

[A portion of "Fucking Hell", Jake and Dinos Chapman's art piece of Nazi-themed (sorta) miniatures in a hellish, apocalyptic landscape. It's showing in Venice as part of the opening for a new contemporary arts center; image via Getty]

Pete Doherty Will Shed Blood For His Art

Richard Lawson · 04/25/08 11:40AM

Like Koko the gorilla before him, musician and voodoo zombie Pete Doherty has manipulated his hands in such a way, across a piece of canvas or paper, that something resembling "art" has been created. An exhibit of his work launched in Montmartre yesterday, though sadly he missed his debut because he's, well, in jail for drugs. The work, though, really speaks for itself. Unlike Koko's seminal masterpiece "Pink Pink Stink Nice Drink," in which abstract paint smears represented deep and mysterious gorilla emotions, Mr. Doherty's work consists of clear and distinctive symbology and motifs. Notably, the use of his own image and his own blood. My favorite piece is the one in which he signed his name with blood (his own) found inside an old needle. Just lovely. Some images after the jump.