Sarah Successfully Endangers the Life of Pakistan's Prez
cityfile · 10/02/08 03:32PM
As you probably recall, we were graced with Sarah Palin's presence last week: She visited Ground Zero, rubbed the shoulders of a few firemen, made small talk with Henry Kissinger, and convened with a handful of world leaders. One of those foreign dignitaries she met with was Asif Ali Zardari, the president of Pakistan, who raised a few eyebrows when he told Palin that she was "even more gorgeous in life," and said, "Now I know why the whole of America is crazy about you." When a handler asked Palin and Zardari to keep shaking hands for the camera, Zardari said that he'd gladly hug her, too, if asked. Big mistake, Mr. President: Radical clerics back in the homeland have now issued a fatwa against Zardari for his "indecent gestures, filthy remarks, and repeated praise of a non-Muslim lady wearing a short skirt." Just one more worry about a Palin vice presidency: She may just be too good-looking for the job.
On Fox, Internet Hoax Repeated By Pakistani President
Ryan Tate · 10/02/08 06:56AM
Pakistan's new president, Asif Ali Zardari, had some amazing stories to tell Fox News' Greta Van Susteren Tuesday. He might have even impressed viewers with the one about how his late wife, former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, called President George H.W. Bush in 1988 to complain about the destabilizing influence of Osama bin Laden, with whom Bush was supposedly unfamiliar. But Zardari then shot his credibility to hell by following up with a story about how Lt. Col. Ollie North, ringleader of the Iran-Contra scandal, also warned about bin Laden in the late 1980s, in testimony to the U.S. senate. Very not true!