
The FDA's Guidelines for Eating Maggots

Maureen O'Connor · 05/18/11 01:37PM

Looking for new ways to stymy your appetite? Try the FDA's Food Defect Action Levels Handbook, a great new diet book guide for food distributors and inspectors. It details exactly how many maggots a comestible good may contain before it gets banned for "aesthetic" reasons, i.e., "being too icky."

Killer Asparagus Plagues Small Town

Maureen O'Connor · 05/21/10 11:35AM

An aggressive strain of asparagus is disrupting the town of Bibai, in Japan's Hokkaido island. The area is renowned for its cultivation of edible green asparagus. Now "power asparagus" is striking back, wreaking havoc on Bibai's streets. [Image via Splash]