My So-Called Life with Claire Danes
Joshua Stein · 05/31/07 04:50PM
A couple of weeks ago, I didn't ask Claire Danes out and guess what? Much to my surprise, she said yes to my mind! Since then we haven't been dating, we've not gone shopping in Soho, didn't go to the Box, and recently didn't eat at Morandi where we did or did not play with a cute little Boxer. Sometimes Claire and I just don't go out to lunch together, picking up dosas at Hampton Chutney and not sitting on the steps of Equinox. We even pledged at the $10/month level in the recent WNYC fundraiser not together and I look forward to wearing our tote bags out, though on opposite arms—that way when we hold hands they won't annoyingly fall off our shoulders. That we're enjoying such a fulfilling not-relationship shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. If you take a look at our Claire Danes Gawker Stalker archive, you'll see our offices are essentially in the epicenter of all Claire Danes sightings, which is to say: That we aren't dating was only inevitable.