
Jon Stewart on TLC's Disappointingly Terror-Free All American Muslim

Matt Toder · 12/13/11 11:56PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart took a look at the controversy surrounding TLC's new show, All American Muslim, and the Tampa-based group that hates it. Because the Muslims depicted in the show aren't shown to be terrorists bent on destroying America, the Florida Family Association can't abide it. Like most zealots, all they want is their stereotypes reinforced. Is it too much to ask for Bravo to whip up a season of the The Real Martyrs of Jalalabad? Sheesh.

Horrible Hicks Ban Interracial Couples from Church

Maureen O'Connor · 11/30/11 03:25PM

Just when you think America has achieved a modicum of race-related civility, the dumb fucks of the Gulnare Freewill Baptist Church of Pike County, Kentucky vote to ban interracial couples from their church. Quit existing already, you racist hicks.