
ATM Fees Are Like Whoa

Hamilton Nolan · 10/05/15 01:50PM

ATM fees now are very, very, very expensive. Very expensive.

If You've Used an ATM Near Union Square, Bad News

Hamilton Nolan · 11/17/11 09:27AM

Have you used a Chase ATM near Union Square in Manhattan this year? If you live in or have traveled to Manhattan any time this year, I bet that you have! So, you should know that your ATM card information has been... not definitely stolen. But possibly! I'm sure you're just fine.

This $100 Million ATM Receipt Will Make You Hate Yourself

Brian Moylan · 06/29/11 02:44PM

How much do you have in your checking account? Probably enough to cover rent and the five vodka tonics it will take to make you forget that you just paid rent and are now officially tapped out. Right? Well, this one jackass keeps $100 million in his account.

Why You Should Cover The Keypad When Using an ATM

Adrian Chen · 09/24/10 11:27AM

You may already be aware of the practice of "card skimming," wherein thieves use hidden cameras and magnetic strip-readers to steal ATM customers' PIN number and card information. Here's a fascinating video taken from one of those hidden cameras.

Watch This Guy Hack an ATM to Spit Out Money

Max Read · 08/01/10 11:43PM

Your money: Maybe not as safe as you think. Security expert Barnaby Jack showed off three different ways to hack an ATM last week, including one particularly flashy method that left the machine playing music and spitting out twenties.

An Easier Way to Rob an ATM

Hamilton Nolan · 07/19/10 08:14AM

We've all dreamed of smashing an ATM to get at the sweet, sweet money inside. But it always seemed like such a hassle. Dragging it behind a car? Messy crowbars? No more! Now you can rob ATMs the easy way.