

Rich Juzwiak · 05/16/12 01:41PM

The scene in the East Village this afternoon looked a lot like this one, from The Wicker Man. Traffic was at a virtual standstill as police worked to contain the massive beehive in a tree at Bowery and First. At least a dozen people filmed alongside me, plenty of more snapped pictures and even more passersby inquired what the hell was going on to the bystanders. One woman thought the building was being robbed. There was little to no buzzing heard.

Vicious Machete Attack in New Jersey Caught on Tape

Matt Cherette · 11/03/11 02:53AM

Police in Paterson, New Jersey announced on Wednesday that they'd arrested three men wanted for viciously assaulting two men with a machete inside a restaurant back in September. How'd they do it? They posted the surveillance footage on Facebook in an effort to crowdsource the investigation.

Gay Man in Texas Viciously Attacked

Brian Moylan · 11/01/11 01:16PM

Burke Burnett, who is 26 and openly gay, went to a party in Reno, Texas with some gay friends on Sunday, but left after some guests weren't so keen on having gay people around. When he returned with a girlfriend (you know, a friend who is a girl) later that night, he was viciously attacked.

Christians Stink-Bomb Play That Features a Poop-Covered Jesus

Lauri Apple · 10/28/11 08:51AM

AFP tells us that Italian director Romeo Castellucci's production of the play On the Concept of the Face, Regarding the Son of God features the face of Jesus "drizzled in excrement." The Guardian explains the poop on Jesus' face comes from "an excremental stream pouring from his right eye-socket." Sounds a bit like an extreme version of a Gallagher show!

Actor Omar Sharif Slaps a Woman on Camera

Maureen O'Connor · 10/27/11 05:39PM

Legendary Lawrence of Arabia actor Omar Sharif slapped a fan at the Doha Tribeca Film Festival in Qatar. (Wouldn't exporting a festival named after a neighborhood sort of defeat the purpose?) Sharif is posing for pictures when the woman steps up to have her picture taken with him, at which point the 79-year-old slaps her and shouts:

Face Transplant Recipient Gives Her First Post-Op TV Interview

Lauri Apple · 10/27/11 07:53AM

Charla Nash, the Connecticut woman who miraculously survived a vicious attack by her neighbor's pet chimpanzee (his name was Travis!?) back in 2009 but lost her face and hands, has given her first interview since undergoing a face transplant earlier this year. In interviews she gave before her operation, she wore a veil to cover her face. Now she doesn't have to do that anymore, and she's relieved. "I just know that it's okay...and I don't have to worry about scaring anyone," she says during the interview, which the New York Post reports will be shown tonight on Channel 5 in the UK. She says she was "disappointed" that an attempt to replace her hands wasn't successful, but hopes that maybe another try will work out in the future. What a brave and inspiring woman.

Someone Threw a Chemical Bomb at Occupy Maine Protesters

Seth Abramovitch · 10/25/11 02:10AM

While drum circles imperil the future of Occupy Wall Street, the protesters of Occupy Maine (yes, that's a thing, and please, people, no "The 99% cahn't get theyah from heeah" jokes) have been contending with a far more serious threat: Someone tossed a homemade chemical bomb at the Portland encampment.

McDonald's Fight Videos: Brutal Metal Rod Beating Edition

Hamilton Nolan · 10/14/11 03:56PM

To the illustrious and soul-deadening genre of McDonalds Beatings Caught on Tape, we can add this: the one where two irate customers jump the counter so the McDonald's cashier runs in the back and fetches and metal rod and beats the hell out both of them, but the cashier was a man who just spent a decade in prison for manslaughter and the customers were both women so there really aren't any folk heroes here, folks.

Sacramento Cops Arrest World's Worst Human Being

Seth Abramovitch · 10/13/11 08:27PM

The internet is a funny place, in that one moment, it's restoring your faith in the world — say, with the story of a one-legged cat who returns a $10 million lottery ticket to his favorite waitress — and the next, it's showing you something so cruel and awful, you want to climb into a kayak and not stop paddling until you reach Pluto. This video, first posted on Tuesday afternoon by World Star Hip Hop and which has since gone viral, is a perfect example of the latter.

How Do You Deal with Public Displays of Homophobia?

Brian Moylan · 10/12/11 04:51PM

Just when you think that Manhattan is totally safe for gays, you hear about an awful verbal attack that you just can't believe. And in super gay Hell's Kitchen for that matter. Did the two men who were called "fags" in a CVS this morning do the right thing?

Baltimore Walmart Evacuated After Bizarro Bleach Fight

Lauri Apple · 10/08/11 03:20PM

Two Baltimore women, whose relationship we'll describe as "strained," had a memorable encounter with each other at the Walmart this morning when one of the women either threw or poured bleach on the other. Maybe it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Or they were filming a scene from a new John Waters movie? (No.)

Bodyboarding Tourist Ripped Apart by Shark

Max Read · 09/04/11 09:52AM

Looking to re-ignite your childhood fear of sharks? Look no further! A tourist bodyboarding off a beach in western Australia was killed in a gruesome shark attack on Sunday, the first in the area in some two decades.

Mailman Blogger Chronicles the Dogs Who Want to Eat Him

Seth Abramovitch · 05/05/11 02:09AM

The old cliche about dogs and mailmen is no myth. Dogs really do attack postal carriers — 2,863 of them last year alone. Ryan Bradford, a mailman from San Diego, has taken pictures of every growling, snarling, slobbering beast on his route. As Ryan explains, "The mailman/dog relationship is no lie. It's like they can smell it on you, a scent that triggers their hunting instinct." These encounters had to be pretty terrifying at the time, but — forgive me employees of the USPS — they're also kind of hilarious. []

Lara Logan: 'They Raped Me With Their Hands'

Hamilton Nolan · 04/28/11 03:25PM

In February, CBS abruptly announced that its correspondent Lara Logan "suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating" in Cairo while covering the Egyptian revolution. It was odd to make a such a strong, vague statement; it got everyone's attention, but nobody knew what it really meant.