
Why Google should hurry up and buy Blinkx

Nicholas Carlson · 05/09/08 02:20PM

Blinkx's technology is good. (And really, when have you ever heard Valleywag praise someone's technology?) But Chandratillake has never been able to make Blinkx a destination site. Google already has YouTube, and CEO Eric Schmidt has put the heat on YouTube's management to start making money. Merely applying Google's text-search techniques hasn't cut it. Perhaps Blinkx's technology, which better matches video viewers' interests to ads, could prove YouTube's Holy Grail.

Cheer up, the subprime crisis is good for tech

Nicholas Carlson · 10/23/07 11:49AM

Ah, the subprime-mortgage crisis. Don't you love it when bad news is so good? Sure, the prolonged quasi-epileptic seizure of the credit markets has driven consumer confidence to its lowest point in two years, with 2 million borrowers behind on their mortgage payments. But why let that get you down? Especially when things are going so well in tech. Take enterprise search firm Autonomy as your model. They're gloating like Google.