
Joshua Stein · 11/13/07 04:00PM

Accepting her Min award this afternoon for being one of the most intriguing people of 2007,'s Laurel Touby asked the audience: How many people found their jobs on Mediabistro? Two people raised hands. One of them looked at her boss and mouthed the word "Sorry." "Oh!" said Touby from the stage. "Three people!" Then she said something about boas.

David Letterman Grills Paris Hilton About Prison

abalk · 10/01/07 09:20AM

On Friday, socialite ex-con Paris Hilton sat down with David Letterman on "The Late Show." Paris wanted to promote her clothing line, her movie, and her perfume, but there was only one thing Letterman was interested in discussing: her life behind bars. As far as PR rehabilitations go, this was not at all like the smooth move that publicist Dan Klores pulled off when he set up Paris to go on "Saturday Night Live" to defuse the news of her sex tape.

Ted Turner: Polio Just Not As Sexy As AIDS

Maggie · 09/26/07 02:53PM

CNN's coverage this morning of the Clinton Global Initiative featured a wacky live interview with CNN mastermind, United Nations bankroller and possibly compulsive wife-stealer Ted Turner. His inquisitor, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, was clearly pained by the experience. Their conversation included gems from Turner like, "It's the seventh inning and humanity's down two runs!" and "Polio's not as sexy right now as HIV/AIDS or measles or malaria." (Um, the Clinton global public health folks might not sign on to this sentiment!) Also? Ted's sporting some seriously ill-advised facial hair, but it's not like he cares what people think or anything. We can't decide if we want someone to pay him to stay away from the cameras, because maybe he should just have his own crazy public access show?

ABC, Merry Miller, Milking Fifteenth Minute Of Agony

abalk · 08/06/07 02:30PM

Think you could do a better job than "world's worst interviewer" Merry Miller? Unless you have a suppurating neck wound, you probably could! In an attempt to make lemonade out of the lemon that was Merry's interview with Holly Hunter, ABCNewsNow is holding a contest where the "prize" is a guest shot hosting "What's the Buzz," the scene of Merry's famous flameout. As for Merry herself? The "risk-taking businesswoman" is sanguine!

Holly Hunter And The World's Worst Interview

abalk · 07/26/07 09:00AM

We never thought we'd find someone who made chesty "internet personality" Amanda Congdon seem competent, but this "ABC News Now" interview with Holly Hunter is an amazing example of a celebrity fluff piece gone bad. You will not be able to look away, but, trust us, you'll want to.

Gawker's Guide To Pasty Thighs

Josh · 05/17/07 05:27PM

Summer is nearly upon us. Now necklines begin to plunge, friendships morph into something more and then combust. Hipster parties begin to smell worse and worse. But maybe the most crisisey crisis we face is what to do with those pasty thighs, blindingly white from their months in hibernation. For too long we've been taught to hide these trunks in shame. But isn't it time to accept this no man's land for what it is? Are they not beautiful pillars of chunky marble holding up your torso? Send your pasty whites to along with your age, first name and a little about what your pasty thighs mean to you. It's a movement, people! After the jump, we'll show you some of ours so you show us yours. —Josh