Ayn Rand's Capitalist Paradise Is Now a Greedy Land-Grabbing Shitstorm
Adam Weinstein · 08/28/14 11:56AMTaliban POW Had Psych Issues Before Enlisting, May Have "Gone Galt"
Adam Weinstein · 06/11/14 11:03AMMeet the Ayn Rand Scholar Who Beat Eric Cantor
Allie Jones · 06/11/14 07:25AMLululemon Run by Ayn Rand-Obsessed Ideologue
Maureen O'Connor · 11/15/11 05:45PM100,000 'Atlas Shrugged' DVDs Recalled for Perfectly Hilarious Reason
Jim Newell · 11/11/11 02:41PM
In what appears to be a legitimate press release on the blog of the official Atlas Shrugged Part I website, the producers of the film have announced that they will "replace more than 100,000 title sheets appearing on the Atlas Shrugged Part 1 DVD and Blu-ray versions." Sounds like a pain in the ass. Why? Did child porn pics somehow show up on them? No! But the ultimate Randian curse word — "self-sacrifice" — did, and that's worse.
Catholics Take on the Republican Cult of Ayn Rand
Jim Newell · 06/06/11 12:50PMRight-wingers have long been fascinated by Ayn Rand, the mid-century pop philosopher who defined moral behavior as doing whatever will make you, the individual, happy, and opposed any government intervention in the economy or charitable giving. Based on her economic beliefs, you can understand why, for example, Rep. Paul Ryan makes each of his staff members read her most famous novel Atlas Shrugged. But shouldn't it bother some of these right-wingers that she was, to use their own language, a "radical atheist," too?
Comments of the Day: What's So Bad About Atlas Shrugged Anyway?
Richard Lawson · 04/27/11 06:10PM
Today we heard that the producer of the new Atlas Shrugged Part 1 movie might not make parts two and three because the first one has been such a flop. Good, many of you said, because that book stinks. Or does it? One commenter wanted to know what's actually wrong with Ayn Rand's paean to individualism.
'Atlas Shrugged' Trilogy May Never Reach Completion
Jim Newell · 04/27/11 01:20PM
The producer of the recent film adaption of Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged, the tedious right-wing fantasy that Rep. Paul Ryan makes each of his staff members read, may never get around to making parts two and three. The film has made a dumpy $3 million at the box office so far, thanks to those liberal film critics who don't understand art.
Rand Paul Teaches the Senate About Ayn Rand
Max Read · 04/13/11 12:05AMCow Porn Judge Loved Ayn Rand Movie
Maureen O'Connor · 03/02/11 05:31PMComment of the Day: Ayn Rand 101
Richard Lawson · 07/21/10 05:08PMAtlas Shrugged Miniseries Will Bore the Motor of the World
Pareene · 07/21/09 01:24PMBailouts Spike Atlas Shrugged Sales
Ryan Tate · 03/03/09 09:53PMJimmy Wales's dishonest campaign ad
Owen Thomas · 11/04/08 01:00PMIn a YouTube video, Wikipedia cofounder Jimmy Wales opines about foreign policy. We love how the video producer added in visuals for every "err." We wonder: Is Wales stumbling over his words because he doesn't really believe what he's saying?Wales has long been an Objectivist, a follower of the writings and political philosophy of Ayn Rand, who thoroughly rejected altruism. Wales's statements in the video thoroughly contradict Objectivist thinking on foreign policy, which boils down to "an eye for an eye" and "screw the United Nations." He also contradicts his own privately expressed political views. But that just makes him a clever capitalist: He knows he can get more speaking gigs overseas by feigning Euroliberalism.
'Times' Standards Editor Clears Perfume Critic Of Stinky Charges
abalk · 08/21/07 09:30AMTimes cologne critic Chandler Burr got accused of an ethical blunder. Last week a correspondent going by the name of Ellsworth Toohey sent around the following complaint, asking: "Is it ethical for New York Times perfume critic Chandler Burr to charge all comers a fee of $200 a head to have dinner with him — and for Mr. Burr to hand out a "goody bag" of perfumes to each guest — at the end of the evening? That is what Mr. Burr is now doing with a series of "scent dinners" he is holding at various luxurious Rosewood Hotels around the U.S., including recently at the Carlyle Hotel in New York and coming up at properties including the Mansion at Turtle Creek in Dallas."