
Genre Face-Off, Part II: American Needs More Books About People in Their Twenties

Mallory Ortberg · 12/30/12 06:16PM

You can never be too rich or too thin or have enough portmanteaus for your post-adolescent generation. It's Twixters, now. Who is a Twixter? Everyone, probably. Any woman who has ever listened to music while wearing a hat is a Twixter. Any man who has ever looked at a picture of Mila Kunis is a Twixter. You are, just for having read the word. Welcome to the Twixter generation. Here is your knit cap and sense of purposelessness. Characteristics include "ESPN" and over-employment.

Burgeoning Genre Face-Off: "New Adult" vs. "Coming of Old Age"

Mallory Ortberg · 12/22/12 04:28PM

If there is one thing that brings joy to my heart, it is charting the growth of newly invented genres. You can argue over whether trend pieces about "new adult" fiction or "baby boomer" literature are describing truly original developments or ginned-up marketing terms with no relation to measurable changes in book-buying practices (in fact, our very own Katie Baker has already done so in a very neat analysis). But at a certain point the distinction becomes meaningless; talk about "new adult" fiction long enough and Amazon will eventually dedicate a department to it.

New York Times Launches Blog for Under-Represented 'Boomer' Demographic

Max Read · 09/13/12 10:11AM

Why has The New York Times launched a new blog aimed at Baby Boomers, when the paper itself is already a testament to the sick, sad reign of the Jerks that Ruined Everything? "Our generation, the biggest in the country's history, has always given ourselves and everyone else lots to talk about," writes Michael Winerip in the opening post. "Booming [This is the name of the blog, LOL — Ed.] offers a wide-open space for these conversations."

No Inheritance for You

Hamilton Nolan · 06/11/12 02:40PM

Great work, science: you've made old people live longer. You've successfully extended the most unhappy years of our lives. And the financial sector has done its part by vaporizing all of your money, by gambling. The result? There is no such thing as "inheritance" any more.

Baby Boomers, You May Already Be Infected

Louis Peitzman · 05/19/12 12:07PM

Good news, hypochondriacs — here's something new to worry about. On Friday, the CDC issued draft recommendations urging all baby boomers (those born between 1945 and 1965) to get tested for hepatitis C. Of the 3.2 million Americans with hep C, 2 million are baby boomers. And they might not know it.

Fun With Census Statistics!

Seth Abramovitch · 05/26/11 02:52AM

The 2010 U.S. census figures have been released. The big picture, basically, is that men are living longer, marriage is downtrending, and the baby boom population is entering their twilight years.

Comments of the Day: The Boomers Go Boom

Richard Lawson · 06/22/10 05:09PM

Today we looked at how, basically, school these days is dumb. One commenter thinks that his generation, the Boomers, learned how to do things better. Another commenter begged to differ.