Michael J. Fox Tells the Truth about Hover-boards
Robyn Caplan · 04/15/10 11:04AMAs Hummer Goes, So Goes America
Jeff Neumann · 03/31/10 04:13AMMeet the Real Life Doc Brown
Frank Cozzarelli · 03/03/10 05:48PMHe's got the hair, the wild demeanor, and raves about the future. Sometimes nerds don't grow out of being nerds, but marinate in their nerdiness and grow up to be SUPER NERDS!
Some Jerk on the Internet Ruins Back to the Future III's Happy Ending
Whitney Jefferson · 12/14/09 01:37PMMagazine of the Future Ruined by Magazine Delivery System of the Past
Hamilton Nolan · 11/17/09 09:50AM5 Intelligent Screen Cars We Prefer to KITT From 'Knight Rider'
Kyle Buchanan · 09/24/08 03:10PMAmerica, let's face it: KITT from Knight Rider is kind of a bitch. Though he's a car designed for adventuring, KITT is also a big scold, always crying, "Do this!" "Do that!" "Miiiichael, the risk factor is too high!" It remains to be seen whether the Val Kilmer-voiced vehicle in tonight's Knight Rider reboot will prove less neurotic over time, but until then, we thought we'd take a trip down memory lane and give props to the "smart" cars we'd prefer to take a ride in. With the help of Molly McAleer, we've created this loving tribute to five of the best onscreen autos to ever rev their engines. Sorry, Herbie — better luck next time? [NBC]
Fake Love Is In The Air: Top Five Best Prom Scenes, From Bloodbashes To Rose McGowan 'Eating Shit'
Molly Friedman · 07/10/08 05:25PM
If three makes a trend, then a new one is awkwardly dancing its way into Hollywood. First, Lindsay Lohan threw an 80s prom-themed party for her 22nd birthday, then we recently discovered some intriguing prom scene footage from that highly anticipated horny vampire flick Twilight, and now, Var is announcing that Miramax will produce a film based on “This Strange Thing Called Prom,” a piece published last month in the NY Times. Though we never had the (mis)fortune of going to one ourselves, due to prep schools’ distaste for tear-inducing, virginity-threatening functions, the infamous Prom Scene has always been a joyous go-to whenever a teen-themed movie needs a pretty way to transition into Act Three. Below, the five cinematic proms we wish we’d been invited to, from Buffy’s murderous rampage alongside easy rider Luke Perry to the moment Andrew McCarthy tells Molly Ringwald he loves her even though she’s wearing the ugliest dress in the history of ugly dresses.
Back to the Future Set Destroyed in Fire
ian spiegelman · 06/01/08 12:27PM
"A fire at Universal Studios has destroyed a set from 'Back to the Future,' the King Kong exhibit and a video vault containing more than 40,000 videos and reels. Los Angeles County fire Captain Frank Reynoso says the blaze broke out just before dawn Sunday on a backlot stage at the 400-acre property. The fire has been contained. Officials say the iconic courthouse square from 'Back to the Future,' has been destroyed, and the famous clocktower that enabled star Michael J. Fox's character to time travel has been damaged." [AP] Watch your childhood memories reduced to cinders after the jump.
mark · 12/11/07 03:50PM

As Back to the Future fans probably already know, Eric Stoltz completed weeks of filming as Marty McFly due to a scheduling conflict with first choice Michael J. Fox, but was eventually replaced by Fox when Stoltz proved a little intense for a light-hearted comedy. To celebrate Stoltz's unseen contribution to cinematic history, Hurty Elbow has constructed a mini-shrine to the original McFly's lost scenes. Don't miss the cameo by a young Billy Zane! [Hurty Elbow]