
Bison Charges Small Child at Yellowstone, Proves We Should All Just Stay Inside

Taylor Berman · 09/09/12 08:02PM

As if the hantavirus outbreak in Yosemite wasn't enough to keep you inside and away from national parks forever, now comes news that wild bison in Yellowstone are charging innocent children. As the Daily Mail, England's paper of record, notes, the child was encouraged by his parents to approach the bison, who was near a wooden walkway in the park. The bison did what taunted bison are wont to do, and charged the small child. He escaped, and his parents, or whatever responsible adults were with him, laughed and laughed.

Mother of the Year Lets Distressed Daughter Play on Oil-Soaked Beach

Matt Cherette · 06/24/10 03:46PM

If you're a toddler who's at the beach and screaming, "Mommy, get it off!" re: your oil-soaked feet, you probably don't want to hear, "Rub it!" in response. But that's what happened yesterday in Destin, Florida. The disturbing video, inside.

Forget Balloon Boy, Today's All About Train Baby

Andrew Belonsky · 10/16/09 04:05AM

If Balloon Boy and his family were looking for publicity, they'll find it's fleeting. There's a new amazing tot on the horizon, and this one survived being hit by a train.