
Banks Post Profits, But Still Need More of Your Money

Lauri Apple · 10/18/11 07:33AM

Be sure to send a congratulatory greeting card and $5 to your friend Bank of America, which has just posted third-quarter profits higher than last year's. About $6.23 billion! Not a bad showing. However, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. has surpassed them in assets, so those upcoming debit card fees are still necessary if you want Bank of America to stay in business and keep producing jobs.

Citibank Not Alone in Turning Away Account-Closing Customers

Lauri Apple · 10/16/11 12:51PM

This video shows some Occupy Santa Cruz (California) protesters trying to close their accounts at Bank of America and being told they can't protest and be customers at the same time. It says so in the U.S. Constitution!

Bank of America Accuses NYT Reporter of 'Soliciting Customers'

Lauri Apple · 10/01/11 12:21PM

With falling stock prices, debit-card users flipping out about the company's plan to steal $5 from them every month, and a brand-new lawsuit on their hot little hands, the devil worshipers at Bank of America aren't too thrilled about reporters talking to their customers right now. But journalists must report on the news, and so the Arkansas correspondent for the New York Times stopped by a branch in Fayetteville to get some customer feedback on the bank's latest thieving scheme. B of A did not appreciate that very much.

Your Debit Card Is About to Start Costing You Money

Hamilton Nolan · 09/29/11 02:54PM

I have an idea: I ask you to loan me some money. Then when it's time for me to pay you back, I'll charge you a fee, for holding that money, and another fee, for giving the money back to you. Welcome to the modern American consumer banking system.

The End of Free Checking

Hamilton Nolan · 09/26/11 09:14AM

You like your precious "free checking?" I bet you do. More like freeloader checking. Sadly, your "free checking" is hurting the needy banking industry, which is why it is going to disappear.

All the Powerful People Really Hate New York AG Eric Schneiderman

Jim Newell · 08/24/11 04:27PM

Things are going about as expected for New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman when he decided to take on the full brunt of the White House and the largest megabanks in the country by trying to investigate the full load of their mortgage-related crimes over the past decade: Somewhat difficultly.

Goldman Sachs Shares Tank as Shifty CEO Lawyers Up

John Cook · 08/23/11 04:28PM

Remember when Goldman Sachs was a remorseless, cruelly efficient monolith run by soulless machines intent on harvesting wealth at the expense of the global economy and without regard to consequences?

Citibank Accused of Murdering a Credit Card Deadbeat

Jeff Neumann · 08/17/11 05:33AM

Are you feeling the heat from debt collectors? Or maybe you just aren't sure how you'll make your next credit card payment? Whatever the case, just be thankful you don't owe money to Citibank in Indonesia. And if you do, don't accept an invitation to settle in the bank's interrogation room.